CDC: 40.5% of U.S. Babies Born in 2020 Had Unmarried Mothers; 42.0% Born on Medicaid – IOTW Report

CDC: 40.5% of U.S. Babies Born in 2020 Had Unmarried Mothers; 42.0% Born on Medicaid

( – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported last week that there were 3,613,647 births registered in the United States in 2020 and that 1,464,121 of these—or 40.5 percent–were to unmarried mothers.

“The percentage of all births to unmarried women was 40.5% in 2020,”  said the CDC’s “Births Final Data for 2020” report.

The CDC also reported that 42.0% percent of births in the United States in 2020 were covered by government-funded Medicaid.

Among the 50 states, according to the report’s Supplemental Table I-7, Mississippi had the highest percentage of babies born to unmarried mothers (55.8 percent).

It was followed by Louisiana (54.5 percent); New Mexico (53.2 percent); Nevada (48.8 percent); Alabama (48.5 percent); Delaware (48.1 percent); Florida (47.2 percent); Arkansas (46.8 percent); West Virginia (46.8 percent); and South Carolina (46.6 percent). read more

27 Comments on CDC: 40.5% of U.S. Babies Born in 2020 Had Unmarried Mothers; 42.0% Born on Medicaid

  1. sad, truly
    would like to see age group, number of siblings and how long on medicaid

    being economically depressed. the new kids will face possible nutrition and development problems. That will be paid for later.
    It’s only 42%, of the births last year.

  2. Well then, just shows everyone that those sex education classes, free condoms, parents night out so the kids can screw, didn’t do a damn bit of good. Bet 42% of the egg donors don’t know who the sperm donor is. So, what’s new here?

  3. One more thought. With the jabs being administered to children, the illegitimate birth rate will drop dramatically. Recall how it’s messing with the reproductive system of both male and female. I’ve heard a few say that it’s part of the genocide plan.

  4. The mothers aren’t “unmarried.”
    They’re “married” to welfare.

    Not only are nearly half of us bastards, but nearly half of us are welfare bastards.

    Dissolution. Atomization. SOP for Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, and Communist China.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “Born on Medicaid – shit! That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
    After birth on medicaid, you can bet your income tax they’re gonna be on Medicaid, EBT, housing, probably more social ‘help’ alphabet numbers than you can combine.
    Even better, it’s become generational.
    Every one of those parasites is why we can’t have nice things.

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