Tales about Ted Kennedy, in case anyone’s actually interested – IOTW Report

Tales about Ted Kennedy, in case anyone’s actually interested

Howie Carr: I got an email this week from a former bow-tied bum kisser at the Globe about a book he’s writing on Fat Boy — the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.

“My editors have asked me, in this Me Too era, to make sure that I have done a thorough search for incidents in which Sen. Kennedy’s behavior caused injury or harm to women.”

Wow. Talk about an open-ended order. The hagiographer, er biographer, mentioned that the usual incidents — Chappaquiddick, Palm Beach, La Brasserie — will “of course” rate chapters in his tome.

Of course they will.

“I am writing to see if you had been sent, or collected, reliable information on other incidents of untoward behavior that you believe I should pursue.”

First of all, pal, get copies of my two books on America’s “First Family,” “Kennedy Babylon: A Century of Scandal and Depravity,” Vols. 1 and 2, for sale at howiecarrshow.com/store.

When it comes to Kennedy behavior, I’d describe those volumes as “seminal,” except for that word’s derivation, if you get my drift. Kinda like describing the JFK presidency as “Camelot.”

Anyway, I forwarded the email to Gayle Fee, the last gossip columnist at this newspaper, who broke innumerable scandals about the family in general and Fat Boy in particular.

“The problem I always found,” she said, “was that you could never get anyone to go on — or off — the record about his bad behavior because they were either afraid or paid off or both …”

Exactly, Gayle. We all had that same problem.

Here’s one I never wrote about, until now. It’s second-hand, so it’s hearsay. But I believe it. A woman I went to college with had a close female friend who after Bobby’s assassination in 1968 worked briefly one summer as one of Ethel Kennedy’s nannies. read more

18 Comments on Tales about Ted Kennedy, in case anyone’s actually interested

  1. When I lived in Hyannis in the early 90s Teddy hit on a coworker, a sweet, but naive Midwest girl. Fortunately she was smart enough to take a powder and escape.

    The other story was a friend talking about his father, apparently a curmudgeon I wish I had met. There were some star struck tourists asking for directions to the Kennedy compound. He responded, “just follow the trail of broken beer bottles.”


  2. Ted Kennedy was a hedonistic, depraved scumbag who was literally owned by this country’s worst criminals and international enemies. So, of course, he’s a fucking hero to old democrats. Fits right into their shitty values system.

  3. I am prejudiced against Irish politicians. FWIW, my family is from Upper Church and I am quite familiar with what Irish politicians are.

    The Goddamned Irish are continually going all in for socialism and looking for someone to take care of them. That is why their effort at self rule always implodes.

    The role of the Irish Citizen’s Army under Connolly is largely written out of history because they were the real threat to the British Empire, Not Pearse and his Catholic middle class romantic cronies. Connolly was a revolutionary Communist, who wanted a Bolshevist revolution across Europe that would end the first world war and establish a united Socialist federation that stretched from Russia to Ireland and beyond. The catholic church hated him as did the Anglo Irish elite because he would have abolished them both. The British couldn’t wait to murder him and were helped by the likes of Pearse, Devalera and their ilk.

    My family were Irish gentry and not directly affected by the British oppression, but fought for the rights of the Irish peasantry. oNe of my relatives was imprisoned and set to be hanged but befriended a British General who sprung him. My family published the Tipperary People and my great grandmother’s health was destroyed in the British gaul. THere are a lot of stories about hiding the printing plates in the children’s beds and many of my relatives spent time in the gaul.

  4. Not excusing one sin this Lyin’ committed, but..,
    I always wondered if what he knew about the assassination of his two older brothers contributed/instigated his depravity.

    Certainly, he absolutely could have lived a worthy life, (as we all should), and he most obviously didn’t, but he likely knew plenty that we never will (hey, when IS that Warren Report gonna be released? as promised it would be!)

  5. He’s dead.

    He’s getting TRUE justice.

    …let’s deal with the pedophile who illegitimately occupies the White House and those who installed them instead, and quit worrying about someone who’s been burning in hell for years, other than to send him some much-deserved company.

    Also remember as you are occupied with this distraction that it’s being put out there by a lefty, which means it serves THEIR purposes.

    Rocks thrown at the dead have a way of bouncing back, and death can put a bright sheen on very tarnished metal.

    I didn’t like him, but this serves no current purpose.

    Deal with the present evil and the past will be revealed by and by.

  6. Any mention of “The Waitress Sandwiches” in this upcoming book?
    And the worst travesty of all, sponsorship of the 1965 Immigration Act, which opened up the floodgates to the flood of uneducated, unvetted, illegal aliens we have now.
    Teddy Kennedy, the Lyin’ of the Senate, sober these 12+ years, and most likely still burning off all the alcohol in his body.

  7. I don’t care. No minds will be changed. He’s been screaming in agony now for a few years with NO END EVER in sight. There’s too many scumbags still putting their feet on the ground that need to be dealt with in the here & now.

  8. And then there was the time when I was dating a Brit, ok cohabitating with a Brit, who took a job as governess with Ethel Kennedy, widow of RFK. I think it was in McLean VA.

    Maggie was to iron and put out her clothes and to place two pieces of chocolate on her bed pillow, one for her and one for her dog.

    Who doesn’t know that you shouldn’t give chocolate to dogs?

  9. Somehow that bastard ended up buried at Arlington National Cemetery. I stopped by after my father-in-law’s internment there. The swimmer’s grave is right off a common pathway so it is well lit and there are security cameras everywhere. Too bad…my bladder was full and ready to release.


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