Soros-Funded Group Hires Former Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Operative – IOTW Report

Soros-Funded Group Hires Former Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Operative

Neon Nettle: The former national press secretary for the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, RC Di Mezzo, has left the Super PAC to work for George Soros-funded “anti-disinformation” project, Good Information Inc.

Those who teamed up to fund the Good Information Inc. start-up at its launch in 2021 included mega-donors like Laurene Powell Jobs, Reid Hoffman, and George Soros. read more

11 Comments on Soros-Funded Group Hires Former Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Operative

  1. ‘O Allah, who sufferest lice to live on the coat of a Kabuli, why hast thou allowed this louse Soros to live so long?’

    Kipling, most of it.

  2. @Brad February 15, 2022 at 10:23 pm

    > Does this mean we can throw Holy Water on it

    If you can source some NOS. “Supply chain” issues. Only blessed AstroGlide’s available. For a few years, now.

    (Catholic or Protestant. Different Jesus. Same issue.)

  3. Soros is definitely one of Satan’s men.
    He’s looking more like the evil emperor from Star Wars.
    Maybe the new guy will dress like Darth Vader and tell little boys he’s their daddy.


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