Prince Andrew settles with female accuser in Epstein-related sexual abuse suit – IOTW Report

Prince Andrew settles with female accuser in Epstein-related sexual abuse suit

Just The News: Prince Andrew has reached a legal agreement that include an undisclosed settlement with a woman who has accused him in court of sexually abusing her as a teen, according to news reports Tuesday.

The settlement with plaintiff Virginia Giuffre will reportedly lead to a dismissal in the case being brought in Manhattan federal court.

Giuffre and Andrew will file a stipulation to dismiss the case inside of the next month, according to court papers filed on Tuesday.

An unsigned letter included in the settlement filing acknowledged Giuffre has suffered for years as a result of being trafficked by the late Jeffrey Epstein, with whom Andrew consorted for years.

“It is known that Jeffrey Epstein trafficked countless young girls over many years,” the letter reads. “Prince Andrew regrets his association with Epstein, and commends the bravery of Ms. Giuffre and other survivors in standing up for themselves and others. more

20 Comments on Prince Andrew settles with female accuser in Epstein-related sexual abuse suit

  1. he committed a criminal act and shouldn’t be able to buy his way out of it. I’m not sure how old she was, but if she was young enough, he should be registered as a sex offender too.
    how nice- buying one’s way out of criminal consequences. And probably using money stolen from the taxpayers that he was given because of ‘royal blood.’
    “virtue is not hereditary ” Thomas Paine

  2. Epstein was the pimp to the elite. He provided services to them and they were never worried because they all know they will never be held accountable. Prince Andrew is just a no-talent cracker version of Michael Jackson. Money talks, scandal walks.
    By the way, where this girl’s parents?

  3. Randy Andy is paying $10 million dollars to a woman he claims to have never met. She was not underaged according to the age of consent in the United Kingdom at the time of the first encounter, and she boasted about servicing the Prince to several friends. This woman was responsible for introducing a half dozen other young girls to Maxwell and Epstein. She’s not the innocent victim she has been presenting herself as in this sordid saga. The real question for conspiracy buffs, is what happened to all of the videos stashed in Epstein’s Manhattan mansion after it was raided by the FBI? You know, the ones with Bill Clinton and all those other married politicians and wealthy men cavorting with very young women and telling secrets that were taped and recorded in every room in that mansion.

  4. Add that much of Biden’s comical noise is for him to appear as a “good guy” with his bogus mandates including the free prizes of crack pipes. This is done to draw distance between his name appearing on the Maxwell-Epstein list of child raypist and traffickers. Notice that little to nothing has been mentioned about the Maxwell child exploiter recently which has been deliberately drowned out by Biden’s buffoon antics.

  5. Guess it’s not just the United States that the “justice” system is designed to protect the wealthy guilty and to punish the non-wealthy innocent who complain of their chains.

    Pretty fuckin pathetic that we’ve allowed traitorous maggots (like Joey Biden, Geo. Soros, Nan Pelosi, the corrupt SCROTUS, &c.) to turn this country into a banana “republic.”

    England’s always been ruled by perverts – so they’re used to it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Queen Mommy wrote the check.
    They used to decapitate sexual abuse victims of the “Royals”.
    The less than Royals who claimed that title through war, intimidation, murder and rape of their own citizens.

  7. The Ghost of Heny Youngman February 16, 2022 at 8:09 am

    You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it!

    That ain’t love, that’s called polishing one off.

  8. He’s paying off the career bagmen that thought Hillary Clinton’s treason was reasonable. So they can pay off the mercenaries that kill those that don’t.


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