NYC’s New Mayor Eric Adams Fires 1,430 Unvaxxed NYC Workers – IOTW Report

NYC’s New Mayor Eric Adams Fires 1,430 Unvaxxed NYC Workers

(Headline USA) Despite promising to be different from his predecessor, New York City’s new Mayor Eric Adams took a page from former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s book and fired more than 1,000 city workers this week because they were not vaccinated against COVID-19.

Right before he left office, de Blasio implemented a vaccine mandate that required all municipal workers and city employees to show proof of vaccination by Feb. 11 or face termination. Instead of overturning the mandate, Adams chose to upheld it.

As a result, 1,430 city workers who did not get vaccinated or were denied an exemption were terminated this week. Most of these workers came from the New York City Department of Education, according to reports. more

23 Comments on NYC’s New Mayor Eric Adams Fires 1,430 Unvaxxed NYC Workers

  1. “I say break their backs with taxes. Tear out their living guts and use them to fund every crazy progressive idea that comes along. Put a boot on their necks and yoke them to the wagon. Make them pull it until they drop dead.” This is what the people of New York City deserve.

  2. Democrats promise;
    We’re not gonna force you to get the jab but if you don’t get it we’ll destroy your ability to make a living in the public sector or anywhere else we have authority over you.

  3. Affirmative Black-tion at its finest. He didn’t pass the Sgts test back in the 80’s. His ilk pissed and moaned and they bumped up the blacks. Plus he’s a total pussy, never got his hands dirty gettin down with the sub-humans did when I was on

  4. The other day I heard about a bunch of fire fighters somewhere being fired for not being vaxxed. I suppose there are worse things than being rescued from the fifth floor of a burning building by an unvaxxed fire fighter, I just can’t think of any offhand.


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