N.Y. Times: Hillary spy scandal too hard for our readers to understand – IOTW Report

N.Y. Times: Hillary spy scandal too hard for our readers to understand

Paper of record’ explains why it’s ignoring blockbuster story.

WND: A New York Times reporter explained why the paper joined nearly every major media outlet in ignoring the blockbuster special counsel charge that Hillary Clinton’s campaign spied on internet traffic at Trump Tower, Donald Trump’s New York City apartment and the White House in an effort to frame Trump as a Russia stooge.

The accusations filed in motions by special counsel John Durham in his investigation of the Obama administration’s Russia probe essentially are too much work for Times readers to digest, wrote Charlie Savage, who covers national security and legal policy issues.

Two days after the story broke, Savage said Durham’s claims “tend to involve dense and obscure issues, so dissecting them requires asking readers to expend significant mental energy and time — raising the question of whether news outlets should even cover such claims.”

He went on to lament that “Trump allies portray the news media as engaged in a cover-up if they don’t.” more here

34 Comments on N.Y. Times: Hillary spy scandal too hard for our readers to understand

  1. “too much work for Times readers to digest”
    That says a lot about their readers.
    Probably the ones that are alone in their car with a mask on.
    COVID must be able to travel 60mph and infect them on a drive by.

  2. Charlie Savage can’t get such “dense and obscure issues” clear in his own head and so assumes nobody else can either. Because he’s smarter than anybody else, right Charlie? Meaning this is yet another instance of psychological projection.

    It’s either that or he’s making lying excuses for toeing the prog establishment propaganda line. Upon brief reflection, it’s more likely a combination of the two.

  3. Well NYT weenies, do you happen to recall that breaking down complex matters IS YOUR FXNG JOB?

    Just return your salary, and then the subscription income to your simpleton customers.

    Perhaps you should try sock puppets.

    Not sure who the biggest moron is in that picture.

  4. ““It’s our job to tell you what to think.””

    “BRZEZINSKI: “Well, I think that the dangerous, you know, edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job.”
    kill your TV

  5. if the NYT actually runs the story correctly, they’ll implicate themselves as being compliant and in collusion

    media, entertainment, sports, educashon, pharma, etc. went all in, acted accordingly, and KNOWINGLY lied on a massive scale

  6. …It IS hard for their readers to understand, since they only have literal bird brains, plus the bars on the bottom of the cage and the poop splatters and spilled seed cover some of the letters up randomly…

  7. Uhh… connect the dots? Isn’t that an activity little kids do? Improve fine motor skills and all? Help them get ready for writing? There might be a lot of dots but the thing isn’t obscure at all… unless you want it to be.

    The confirmation of criminality in the Clintoon campaign (and that is what it will be held to) coming out now indicates the democrat party does not want her to run in ’24 and is prepared to ‘make it so’.

  8. HA! I remember the BS mantra in currency when I was in high school that reading the NYT for a year was equivalent to going to college for a semester. Seems like their readers cannot comprehend unless the NYT article is accompanied with lots of pictures. On a serious note, this is such an embarrassing excuse.

  9. Since their readership is probably confined to the Northeast metropolises then, sure, those readers are insufficiently familiar with absolute truths or too invested in their previous denial of obvious Clinton corruption to accept the reality that they were wrong and abetted her corruption.

  10. The NYT never admits to being embarrassed because it never is.

    “All The Lies That Are Fit To Print”.

    For lies unfit to print, it tells its readers they are too dumb to comprehend them.

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