The Weird Ideas and Shoddy Science Behind Free Government Crack Pipes – IOTW Report

The Weird Ideas and Shoddy Science Behind Free Government Crack Pipes

-Charles Fain Lehman

The Biden administration last week was forced to vehemently deny it will fund the distribution of crack pipes, after the Washington Free Beacon‘s reporting uncovered plans for “safe smoking kits” included in a $30 million “harm reduction” grant. The denial surprised not only administration officials—who still seem unsure if they were ever going to distribute pipes—but also some advocates, who claimed the administration was letting “clickbait” and “racism” drive policy.

A bigger question has been lost in the dispute over the administration’s plan: Why did anyone think handing out government-funded crack pipes was a good idea in the first place? Why would HHS be funding “safe smoking kits” which, even if they don’t contain “stems,” do include other paraphernalia that facilitate the use of crack cocaine, meth, heroin, and other drugs?

Such methods are just one example of “harm reduction,” an approach to drug policy that has attracted attention in some big, blue cities; the “unprecedented” harm-reduction grant program is one of several signs that federal policymakers are similarly interested. Amid a historic wave of drug overdose deaths, it’s little surprise that policymakers are considering unorthodox ideas. But while some harm reduction ideas have merit, the label is often a cover for radical proposals backed by the shoddiest evidence, proposals that could do real harm. more

18 Comments on The Weird Ideas and Shoddy Science Behind Free Government Crack Pipes

  1. It’s very simple. Drug cartels lobby Congress indirectly. They want their sleazy scumbag customers to live longer so they can rob more little old ladies to buy more cartel product. So, give out safer pipes in the name of “public health”.

    The reality is that if we shot every junkie into space, we’d be a safer, happier country pretty quickly.

  2. In 1939 Winston Churchill said that Russia is “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

    Eighty two years later the entire Biden Administration is a toxic land-fill of bullshit layered on top of human shit, steeped in bum piss created by Feckless Fruitloops, Liberal Liars and Communists hiding behind the “Plastic Curtain” of Misogyny and Systemic Racism all smoking pot, crack and drinking from the same can of gender fluid!

  3. Can someone please tell me how government crack pipes are any safer?
    Just just who would’ve got these contracts for making crack pipes?
    It’s almost as if they want people to stay high.

  4. Government should take no action to make illicit behaviour safer.

    They should take no action to alleviate the results of such actions. Hungry? Cold? Wet? And don’t like it? Change your behavior.

  5. While everyone is debating the relative merits of government crack pipes, the real situation is that this is just another fake bill. Once again, they have us exactly where they want us. We are idiotic enough to fall again and again for the same dance. This is not about crack pipes, it is about creating another program to funnel money into cronies hands. A few months from now the money will be gone, there will be no accountability, no one will get caught, no one will be held accountable, no one will go to jail.

    How many tax dollars have gone up in the ether in this way? Too many to know.

  6. Did I miss the article in the Constitution where distributing drug paraphernalia is a specifically enumerated power of the Federal Government?

    (Leafs through copy of Constitution I got at the Hall of Presidents in Gettysburg)

    …nope, not in there…

  7. SNS – Here! Here! The Democrats (and often, Republicans) and their decades-long construction of the Administrative State are outlaws! Literally.

    Which SCOTUS ruling interpreted “general welfare” as being the blanket okey-dokey for all this stuff?!


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