Biden tells county officials he once put dead dog on woman’s doorstep – IOTW Report

Biden tells county officials he once put dead dog on woman’s doorstep

Just The News: President Joe Biden on Tuesday said he put a “dead dog” on the doorstep of a woman with different political beliefs while he served on a county council.

“And I represented a middle-class district to a working-class district, but there was one very wealthy neighborhood,” he told the National Association of Counties conference in an introduction to the dog story. 

Biden served on the New Castle County Council in Delaware for two years in the early 1970s.

“I got a call one night; the woman said to me — obviously not of the same persuasion as I was, politically — called me and said, ‘There’s a dead dog on my lawn.'” he said, according to the official White House transcript.

“And I said, ‘Yes, ma’am.’ I said, ‘Have you called county?’  She said, ‘Yes, they’re not here,'” Biden recalled. 

“I said, ‘Well, I’ll get them in the morning.’ She said, ‘I want it removed now. I pay your salary,'” the president continued.

“So, I went over. I picked it up,” Biden told the crowd, pausing for laughter and applause.

“She said, ‘I want it out of my front yard.’ I put it on her doorstep,” he said. more

25 Comments on Biden tells county officials he once put dead dog on woman’s doorstep

  1. I listened to this on Newsmax the day it happened. He told the story with his audience laughing their asses off. They were civil servants. Incapable of doing the simplest of tasks. Their jobs. Same as Brain Dead Joe. Nobody else is laughing losers.

  2. Now good old Joe is getting Jealous that The DickTaker Turdeau is being the biggest asshole in the world right now.
    So, he is trying really hard to re-take the number one position with Hillary’s SpyGate a distant third, due mostly to MSM ignoring it.

    Come on Joe!
    You can do better than that.

    Turdeau just called a Jewish Member of parliament from Thornhill a Nazi in the house today.
    Why don’t you just go beat a Rabbi or something?

    Your falling behind in the scumbag of politics Olympics.

  3. So not only did he confirm that a Demonrat won’t do the job he’s elected to do, he will actively take vindictive countermeasures to harm those he disagrees with politically. Got it…bastard hasn’t changed a bit has he?

    The Pedo went from being a county asshole laying a dead dog on a woman’s doorstep to being a national asshole laying a dead dog on America’s doorstep.

    Fuck the Pedo and any cocksucker that defends him.

  4. Joe is now 79 years old, but he still thinks that moronic adolescent pranks like this are still funny. And he did this moronic adolescent prank when he was about 29 !!
    He has learned nothing in over 50+ years.
    And the audience laughs AT him. His whole career is in the toilet.

  5. You dont understand, this is politically astute. Joe’s playing for that crucial Muslim vote. They think dogs are demonic. They’ll love this story

    So he horrifies dog lovers. So what? How many of those live in America?

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