There’s always one in the crowd 😂 – IOTW Report

There’s always one in the crowd 😂

h/t Doc.

21 Comments on There’s always one in the crowd 😂

  1. That’s why little menu pictures were invented. Otherwise, Momma has to order with her ears and then eat with her eyes, which is very confusing for Momma. If the little Chinese pictures are there, she can use her eyes for both and then maybe she’ll shut up.

  2. Don’t denigrate (put down) this mother-daughter time.
    Let them enjoy their time together.
    (you should see my wife when we go out for dinner)

  3. I know it’s supposed to be a joke. Very cute. But moms don’t get to eat out that much so it is a novelty for them. I would love to take my mom out to eat even one more time.

  4. aircubed
    FEBRUARY 17, 2022 AT 11:57 AM
    “Better than a drunken, naked slap fight.”

    …IDK. Kind of depends on the slappers, not being related to them, your age, and your marital status. I seem to have dusty memories of certain types of drunken slap fights being kind of OK, as long as they involved NON blood persons of the opposite sex…

  5. …all kidding aside, it’s your mother. She put up with you YOUR WHOLE LIFE, you can cut her a little slack at the end of HERS.

    “How did the old saying go? Be good to your parents – while you can. ”
    -“Barefoot Gen (1983)


  6. I worked at a popular restaurant in college as a busboy, and Mothers Day was universally the worst possible shift to work. The dysfunctional families were in a foul mood and tipped like crap. And some mothers live for that one day where they have free reign to be an absolute pain in the ass to everyone.

    One poor guy went to the trouble to reserve the best table in the house a month in advance, and his vile bitch of a mom had the whole family get up and look for a better table. The restaurant was relatively small, only had two dozen tables, and one could easily see that there were no open tables at all, except for the best table which she already had. She had her poor family walk around back and forth for 30 minutes, and then they left when she decided her son had failed her by not reserving a non-existent “better” table.

    This why it’s best to cut the cord fully if you’re sandbagged with a mother who just happens to be an asshole as well.


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