Hundreds of California High Schoolers Walk Out of Class to Defy Mask Mandate – IOTW Report

Hundreds of California High Schoolers Walk Out of Class to Defy Mask Mandate

Breitbart– Students at a California high school staged a massive walkout on Tuesday protesting the district’s mask mandate after elites in the state were seen maskless at the Super Bowl.

Video footage shared online appeared to show hundreds of young people at Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills gathered outside. WATCH h/t Brad

12 Comments on Hundreds of California High Schoolers Walk Out of Class to Defy Mask Mandate

  1. All three of my kids attended the school. I pass it to and from work every day. I never ever see any students wearing masks around that campus.
    The Principal of our local county “Bad Boy” school is a gym buddy of mine. According to him, nobody in the county wants this shit, we currently have all our lawyers trying to figure out how bad the state can hurt us if we don’t comply.
    Apparently not much. I heard this but Joe6 found it covered on the Blaze.

    However, and this is important, this will only happen in counties or municipalities where LE declines to enforce health codes. Like they all should.

  2. Remember the guy that got forcibly arrested a few weeks ago at the back of a school board meeting for not wearing a mask? Everybody turned around to watch…. I thought at that moment that instead of just watching everybody should have pulled their masks off and said “whatchoo gonna do now tough cop”

  3. Teacher in Cal have tended to be, and still are, “Bush Republican”. some of the students are Ronny republicans. This happened in NoCal; which is a small shock. Most folk I know in noCal are “Bush Republicans”; sometimes derisively called liberal.

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