Gain-Of-Function Research: The EcoHealth Alliance Intelligence Collection Scam – IOTW Report

Gain-Of-Function Research: The EcoHealth Alliance Intelligence Collection Scam

Uncover DC: The highly dangerous gain-of-function (GoF) research and funding managed by EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), “began before Fauci’s NiH or NIAID became involved,” says whistleblower, Andrew Huff, Ph.D., MS who is the former VP of Data and Technology at EcoHealth Alliance (EHA). Moreover, says Huff, EcoHealth Alliance under the direction of its “President, Peter Daszak, was not adhering to its mission of conservation work…EcoHealth was not collecting the right data nor was it employing the methods or models necessary to forecast or prevent pandemics as it states in its mission,” says Huff. What was it doing? Huff says it was largely a glorified intelligence collection scheme. “So the Chinese got our superior biotech and, in return, the U.S. thought they would gain transparent access to what was going on in the labs.” more here

3 Comments on Gain-Of-Function Research: The EcoHealth Alliance Intelligence Collection Scam

  1. Arrogant self-absorbed fools. They played with fire and burned down the world. Will they face judgement? Likely not even formal accusation. Too many self-absorbed fools involved, and they are all protecting each other and themselves.

  2. There will be more outbreaks. The Chinese have seen the damage that they can cause the West — and that we will do to ourselves — with even such a mild bug as Covid. Regardless of whether Covid’s release was unintentional or not, the next one will be, and it will be done at a place and in a fashion so as to avoid casting blame on the Chinese. I see Chinese-instigated outbreaks as becoming their new form of negotiation or persuasion, especially as their tech improves and they are more able to target specific populations to apply pressure exactly when and where and how they want it applied. Some country is opposing China militarily or economically? WHAM — that country suddenly experiences an outbreak of Cholera and is too busy dealing with the outbreak to deal with China. Some country is harboring a political dissident and refuses to give him up? WHAM — that country suddenly experiences an outbreak of Smallpox (which conveniently peters out after the dissident is extradited to China). Taiwan insists on giving Beijing crap? WHAM — Taiwan experiences an outbreak of Anthrax, immediately followed by the Chinese military invasion of Taiwan by troops who have recently been vaccinated against Anthrax (purely by coincidence, of course). Trust me, it’s gonna happen.

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