Canadian civil rights group sues government after Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act – IOTW Report

Canadian civil rights group sues government after Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act

Wa Ex: OTTAWA, ONTARIO — The Canadian Civil Liberties Association announced Thursday that it is suing the federal government after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked a controversial measure that gives his government sweeping new powers to shut down massive protests that have brought the country’s capital to a standstill for weeks.

Ottawa is the last anti-vaccine mandate stronghold in Canada. The demonstrations, which were started by a group of truckers upset with COVID-19-related restrictions, quickly morphed into wide-scale dissatisfaction with all government mandates. The protests, which have been attended by thousands for 21 days and counting, created a crisis of confidence with law enforcement officials who residents accused of not doing enough to rein in the truckers and their supporters.

The demonstrations have also become a political nightmare for Trudeau, who mocked protesters, downplayed their concerns, and refused to meet with them. On Monday, he invoked the never-before used Emergencies Act that gives the government the power to prohibit public assembly as well as arrest residents and freeze their assets.

He was heavily criticized almost immediately, not only by his political rivals but also from within his party. more here

37 Comments on Canadian civil rights group sues government after Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act

  1. The CANADIAN Civil Liberties Association is suing Teh Gooberment?
    This will be interesting to watch. Got popcorn? Good luck, fellas!

    I applaud them for attempting to move in the right direction.
    Something I wouldn’t trust that the American communist version (ACLU) to do.

  2. “…created a crisis of confidence with law enforcement officials who residents accused of not doing enough to rein in the truckers and their supporters.”

    …OR, created a crisis of confidence with law enforcement officials who DID TOO MUCH to rein in the truckers and their supporters, more like…

  3. Todd Herman has been laying out how what we are seeing go down across the world benefits the cause of freedom and liberty in the long run. One aspect is the “police officers” who participate in this are going to self identify as unworthy of respect on any level and are in fact nothing more than tools of the regime and not servants of the people.

  4. they cancelled today’s parliment meeting. I’m gonna suggest that was done because members were afraid of being arrested in that forum for criticizing trudeau’s fascism

  5. I remember the days, not too long ago, when a National emergency in Canada, was running out of beer before the end of the third period. Now look at us, proletariats with a tin horn and his SS thugs beating us into submission, eh!?!?

  6. This ought to go over like a fart in church

    Attention animal owners at demonstration
    If you are unable to care for your animal as a result of enforcement actions, your animal will placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered relinquished.

  7. By law his Emergency Act must be approved within 7 days. He has had a lot of dissent so far in the legislative bodies, although I have no idea what the current status is.
    So will he fail? Will the legislature approve? Or will he become literally Hitler by arresting any legislator who dissents?

  8. Left Coast Dan.
    The seven days is very deceptive.
    They must convene in the House of Commons to discuss.
    Today’s meet was cancelled,too scary to show up with Bouncy Castles in the street.
    They could cancel tomorrow they could cancel for another week then finally have a meeting,that would be considered day one
    See where this is going?

  9. @cheryl: “That was a short step from “fringe group” to an emergency wars act. Canadians are too polite. They need to string this idiot up.”

    Yes, my thoughts exactly. I’d be pleased to donate the string.

  10. Despicable Canadian government for replacing a wonderful free Country with a Communist Dictatorship. Shame on the RCMP, Shame on the Canadian govt. I love you freedom fighters, the world is watching.

  11. JDHasty

    That’s why I no longer own, or will allow a Canadian Flag in my House.
    I respect, love, & will give CASH to them. CASH. Non Traceable CASH, In A Box.
    Believe me, Revenue Canuckistan WILL AUDIT EVERY TRACEABLE DONATION. A La LOIS LEARNER (Thanks Obama etc.)

    If the west Breaks off & flies the maple Leaf, Fine. But the Current flag was literally Created by Liberals In Their Party Colour.

    The Truckers, noble as they are, Do not seem to realize, that City Toronto/GTA & Province Quebec identify as Loyal To Whom ever Gives them FREE SHIT.

    Alberta, Sask, & Rural Canada needs to understand that Canada has become like the USA. All the land, Blue collar, & Oil is in the Conservative parts of the country BUT the cities who control the vote, banks, & Laws are in those 2 areas.

    Hell, Trudeau & Freeland, just changed the laws to suit themselves and mosyt of those coppers are Auxiliary or Juniors. It is no coincidence that e=when asked for Badge # & Names they are not answering s they arrest. They are not regular duty. Most likely, some MP’s are in there tooas well as Cadets. (Police academy 1,2,3 with steve Guttenberg & Tacklebury)

    It HAS NOT been my Flag since Trudeau’s First Re-elected minorty. I give everyone One chance.

  12. @Kcir

    There is an old saying, “I hate my government because I love my country”.

    I can empathize with your plight since you rightly point out that the same fracturing is occurring here in the US. But you should take heart, as I do with my country, that the reason for this division is that good people like yourself will not knuckle under and submit.

    A more dire predicament would be that everyone surrendered in mass and went along with whatever the government was peddling. There is no coming back from that. But you guys have a considerable percentage of the population that wants to remain free and will not continence the sort of tyrannical edicts their government wants them to swallow.

    I don’t know how any of this will turn out, but “The Man” must be fought. You have patriots, good honorable men who value their liberty, in your country. You can do this.

  13. And then what? The same judges who rules honking was illegal, ordered banks to freeze accounts would be presiding on such case?
    Canada is a joke, weak system that does not protect rights. The Truckers exposed it.
    They don’t have 1st amendment and 2nd amendment to protect the 1st amendment.

  14. The 7 day rule is moot, because the action will be over, and the panty-waist “opposition” failed to recognize the true dimensions of what was happening. Parliament is complicit. Canada is now a Dictatorship and a Police State.

    The lesson for US convoy participants is that this was a dress rehearsal for what will happen here, on a shorter time line.

  15. On Monday, he invoked the never-before used Emergencies Act

    When the Dane arrived, and flashed his axe, the people threw their purses. And wished them bon voyage. As they sailed away. For the day.

    Now that they’re back, and cutting heads, while they loot. Who should be concerned? That the average IQ is rising.

  16. It is a documented fact that the Joe Biden Terrorist has “advised” the Trudeau Terrorist to engage the “federal emergency” tactic against Terrorist Trudeau’s own citizenry, similar to what the Joe Biden Race-Hater has done/is doing to his own countrymen.

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