Trooper allegedly groped by Andrew Cuomo sues ex-gov, Melissa DeRosa – IOTW Report

Trooper allegedly groped by Andrew Cuomo sues ex-gov, Melissa DeRosa

NYPost: The New York State trooper who claims disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo groped her sued him and his longtime aide, Melissa DeRosa, Thursday — saying the governor “violated” her and his right-hand woman helped cover it up.

The woman named in the suit as “Trooper 1” is seeking damages from the duo and a declaratory judgment that they both “violated federal, state, and civil laws.”

The suit, filed in the Eastern District of New York, also names the New York State Police as a defendant.

The woman claims DeRosa was active in protecting Cuomo, who has consistently denied all claims of illegal activity.

On September 23, 2019, Trooper 1, who was serving as one of Cuomo’s bodyguards at the time, accompanied him to an event at Belmont racetrack, where  “she felt violated as the Governor intentionally touched her in intimate locations between her breasts and vagina,” according to the complaint. read more

13 Comments on Trooper allegedly groped by Andrew Cuomo sues ex-gov, Melissa DeRosa

  1. The disgraced Love Gov has the presumption of innocence until he has a legal opportunity to defame and discredit this accuser in Court. His brother Fredo will have lots to add to the proceedings on his podcast, and his three daughters will stand by him with embarrassed devotion. It’s going to a swell spectacle.

  2. “… intimate locations between her breasts and vagina …”

    Gave her a tummy-rub?
    Or is “between” inclusive?
    How did he get to her vagina unless she took her pants off?

    I have no doubt that Cuomo’s a corrupt, murderous scumbag, but seriously?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …nonspecific as it may be, to me it doesn’t particularly matter as I can’t think of any APPROPRIATE way to rub your State Trooper’s on-duty tummy, consensual or not…

    …of course the question seems EXTRA weird to me, I grew up when that was pretty much an all-male club and I wanted to stay as far away from them as possible, so there was no temptation to rub anyone’s gut in the FIRST place…

    …I DID see some female troopers later, usually on the highway while we were cutting people out of cars, but they were by and large (and I DO mean “LARGE”) even LESS feminine than their male counterparts and if you were crazy enough to try to rub THOSE bellies you’d either get shot, or wish you HAD been…

  4. …but times change. Maybe she’s some tiny, cute little Affirmative Action hire detailed to soft stuff like this just to keep her away from having to ground and pound with a highway drunk.

    That wouldn’t make touching her in the Cuomo context RIGHT, but maybe a bit less inexplicable, and also opens up ideas for fundraisers that could capitalize on that like “Touch A Trooper Tuesdays”, where attractive State Troopers pull you over and ask if you want to rub their bellies for a donation to charity…

  5. …seems like you’re kind of carrying this blog right now, MJA, with occasional help from Dr. Tar and Claudia, and doing an excellent job, thank you.

    Haven’t seen hide nor fur of Fur lately, praying he’s OK.

    The specifics are none of my business, but if we need to pray for our brother and ringmaster, just let us know.

    Thanks and God Bless,

  6. THe Democrat Party is in crisis right now and internecine struggles getting ugly is a feature of totalitarians. The Cuomos are on the way out. My inclination is that in most of what we are seeing come out they were fine with it so long as it was part of them getting what they are after. Connection to power is what they are after and once an individual has been marked as on the way out the way to connect with they who will assume that power is to join in.

    That being said, the Cuomo’s deserve everything that is coming to them.


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