The Checkered Past of the FBI Cyber Contractor Who ‘Spied’ on Trump – IOTW Report

The Checkered Past of the FBI Cyber Contractor Who ‘Spied’ on Trump

Real Clear Investigations| Paul Sperry: Long before FBI computer contractor and Clinton operative Rodney L. Joffe allegedly trolled Internet traffic for dirt on President Trump, he mined direct-marketing contact lists for the names and addresses of unwitting Americans to target in a promotional scam involving a grandfather clock.

Not just any clock, mind you, but a “world famous Bentley IX” model, according to postcards his companies mailed out to millions of people in the late 1980s claiming they’d won the clock in a contest they never entered. There was just one hitch: the lucky winners had to send $69.19 in shipping fees to redeem their supposedly five-foot mahogany prize.

Tens of thousands of folks forked over the fees, only to discover the grandfather clock that arrived was nothing as advertised. It was really just a table-top version made of particle board and plastic and worth less than $10. Some assembly was required. read more

8 Comments on The Checkered Past of the FBI Cyber Contractor Who ‘Spied’ on Trump

  1. “Deep church” involved with Deep state in plot against Trump
    A security firm to which Cardinal Angelo Becciu sent millions of dollars in unexplained payments is now entangled in disputes over charges of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

    John Durham, the special counsel heading the election investigation, has charged that representatives of Hillary Clinton’s campaign had access to documents in a Trump White House computer system maintained by Neustar, a Virginia firm.

    In 2016 and 2017, Cardinal Becciu’s office wired large payments to a Neustar office in Sydney, Australia. The cardinal has declined to explain the purpose of those payments, except to say that they involved “​​official activities by the Secretariat of State which, by nature, are classified and couldn’t be possibly commented on.”

  2. My problem with this, they monitored DNS traffic for mail domain that has the name Trump in it, while Trump was not connected to that service at all. Some marketing person set it up for the Trump hotels.

    Plus, DNS traffic for email, means the server receives and sends email, how exactly you would prove in court that was “Russian government communication” with Trump?
    Then they have realized it impossible to do that because of spam email is sent to all email servers around the world.

    So not only they broke several laws, they also proved themselves to be dumbest of the dumb.
    This “tech executive” and his team all admitted doing that just because they hated Trump, and the “executive” had a history in criminal activities like scamming people. Why he is walking freely then? Obviously bought his way out of legal troubles. That’s who the democrats have for their donors and activists.
    A bunch of criminals, scammers and scumbags.

  3. This is such a tangled web of deceit, enclosed in a wilderness of mirrors, inside a maze of black holes, managed by the biggest collection of traitorous political operatives in our country’s history, that it’s taking a lot of work to untangle. It’s what the perpetrators are counting on. It’s what allowed them to get clear of Inspector General Horowitz’s Investigation and the other Congressional Investigations. Real Clear Investigations has been doing the work that the so-called Free Press refuses to do.

  4. Funny how every single time the FBI’s involved in something there are scumbags, snake-oil salesmen, and traitors ALSO involved – and the FBI isn’t investigating the scumbags, snake-oil salesmen, OR the traitors! They’re ACCOMPLICES!

    Not “Ha-Ha” funny, either.
    The FBI’s mission has morphed into Treason.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I know this may come as a surprise to some here but, Sean Hannity as is full of shit on this as he is on most of his analysis. Oooh, I hope he doesn’t karate chop me for that. These events could not be happening unless the corruption was throughout the entire Agency. “A few at the top” could not have gotten away with what they have been getting away with.


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