Red States Severing Ties With BlackRock – IOTW Report

Red States Severing Ties With BlackRock

‘They’re funneling billions of dollars to the Chinese communist owned business to help them build the Chinese economy… ‘

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Red states across the nation are increasingly breaking ties with the globalist organization BlackRock due to its sympathies with China, the Federalist reported.

BlackRock has long worked to divest Americans of their land then rent it back to them for a profit.

The potentially-criminal organization has also discriminated against American gun manufacturers and fossil-fuel companies because of its attachment to woke politics.

Yet the global financial services corporation takes little issue when it comes to partnering with communist China.

Last month, West Virginia Republican Treasurer Riley Moore ended his state’s partnership with BlackRock due to its Chinese affiliation.

He also argued that partnership with BlackRock meant a misuse of American tax dollars. more

3 Comments on Red States Severing Ties With BlackRock

  1. But, of course, they get to keep everything “red” state governments have gifted them. For now. And by “for now”, I, of course, mean “until the bad PR can be stomped out”… err, I mean, “tamped down”. Then, after they’ve “learned their lesson” they can go back to business as usual. In “red” states.

    And while they’re on “time out” they’ll still have full use of “red” state government troops. Against “red” state citizens. It’s the law.

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