Oh là là! French model agent pal of Jeffrey Epstein found hanged in prison cell – IOTW Report

Oh là là! French model agent pal of Jeffrey Epstein found hanged in prison cell

NYP: The French model agent who was charged with securing girls and young women for billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found dead Saturday in a Paris prison cell, prosecutors said.

Jean-Luc Brunel, 74, was found hanged by his bedsheets in his cell around 1:30 a.m. local time at La Sante prison, the Paris prosecutor’s office told CNN.

Brunel, who ran Karin Models in Paris, and later formed MC2 Model Management with Epstein, was awaiting trial on charges of sexual assault and rape. He was also being investigated for trafficking minors, including girls as young as 12 years old, according to French news reports.

Brunel’s lawyers insisted that the disgraced fashion fixture’s “decision was not guided by guilt, but by a sense of injustice.” read more

16 Comments on Oh là là! French model agent pal of Jeffrey Epstein found hanged in prison cell

  1. We’re like ancient Rome:

    The government was extremely unstable, and notoriously corrupt. They rigged elections. They sent Praetorian guards to harass and intimidate their opponents. And they sewed social conflict so that Romans turned on one another.

    In the meantime, the Roman economy was collapsing. Inflation became so rampant that Diocletian infamously had to implement extreme price controls, and then threaten to kill anyone who didn’t follow them.

    They also lost control of their borders, as countless barbarian tribes poured into the empire and squatted on Roman lands.


  2. So, let’s say all the ones facilitating this elite-crushing crime hang themselves.

    Does that mean no more children are being subjected to their perversions? Players dead = game over? We know better.

    Knowing pedos never stop, that means there are probably many other places (islands?) and people still doing the same thing for the same perverts.

    This can’t be the only game. It’s almost a diversion if it means no one is looking elsewhere and will be satisfied with being screwed-over with these players being suicided and considering it and end to the trail.

    Probably best to shoot them all and let God sort them out.


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