The Ignored Pandemic: 360 Million Christians Persecuted Around the World – IOTW Report

The Ignored Pandemic: 360 Million Christians Persecuted Around the World

Frontpage: The year 2021 “saw the worst persecution of Christians in history”—with an average of 16 Christians butchered for their faith every single day.

This is according to the World Watch List-2022 (WWL), which was recently published by the international humanitarian organization, Open Doors.  The report ranks the top 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted for their faith. Annually published and released at the beginning of each year, the WWL uses data from field workers and external experts to quantify and analyze persecution worldwide.

According to the WWL-2022 (covering from Oct. 1, 2020 – Sept. 30, 2021), “over 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith—a rise of 20 million from last year. The number represents one in seven Christians worldwide. This year records the highest levels of persecution since the first list was published 29 years ago…”

For this same reporting period, 5,898 Christians were murdered “for their faith,” a number representing a 24% increase from 2021 (when only 4,761 Christians were killed).  Additionally, “6,175 believers [were] detained without trial, arrested, sentenced or imprisoned,” and 3,829 Christians were abducted. more

10 Comments on The Ignored Pandemic: 360 Million Christians Persecuted Around the World

  1. The year 2021 “saw the worst persecution of Christians in history”

    And the year 2022 will be even worse than that, and so on and so on. Any practicing Christian is not at all surprised. The “end times” is not a fable, not a gimmick to get folks right with God, it is coming. Whether we are in those times now, certain signs point to it but we must prepare regardless.

    I don’t think there is any doubt that our secular nation is in decline; lazy people who would rather have a centralized authority dictate their life and take care of them, people would willingly give up their autonomy and their agency for the promise of safety.

  2. While most government sponsored persecution of Christians occurs in third world countries, persecution in western countries have been primarily hate crimes perpetrated by individuals or non-Christian fanatics (i.e. musloids)

    However, in Finland there is a court case in process whereby the government of Finland is prosecuting two people for expressing their religious believes as they relate to homosexual sex – claiming that it is a hate crime to to voice your Biblically-based religious beliefs against homosexuality. In other words, you shall have no other God before your government. The left is making a move to silence freedom of religious speech.

    If you don’t read the whole article, definitely watch the Steve Doocey interview of Rep. Chip Roy and Tony Perkins. Beware, it’s coming to the USA.

  3. The Roman Catholic Church should be front and center in the fight to stop this anti-Christian pogrom, but they’re too busy spreading Marxism and jerking off to kiddie porn to care.


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