Ron Klain’s Domestic Motive for Ukraine Crisis Surfaces – White House to Blame Economic Collapse, Gas Prices and Inflation on Manufactured Russia-Ukraine Conflict – IOTW Report

Ron Klain’s Domestic Motive for Ukraine Crisis Surfaces – White House to Blame Economic Collapse, Gas Prices and Inflation on Manufactured Russia-Ukraine Conflict


Within the book of instructions for the ideological Chicago crew (Alinsky peeps), there are chapters on how to create off-ramps to cloud their agenda. If they need a bigger cloud, they create a bigger crisis. The crisis then becomes the cover, the justification to explain the outcomes of their agenda.

In the latest example, the White House is shifting blame for the collapsing economy, surging oil prices, massive gas price increases and overall U.S. inflation.

The manufactured crisis in Ukraine then takes on a geopolitical angle and a domestic angle.  The prior rate of inflation is now being blamed on Russia-Ukraine.

It is not coincidental that ABC (think George Stephanopolous) takes the lead in helping to push this narrative as a cover story for the problems in the economy that are specifically driven by U.S. energy policy (chasing Green New Deal objectives), environmental policy, regulatory policy and massive spending.  The politics are to blame for the inflation, so it is the deployment of politics used to create the cover.  read more

15 Comments on Ron Klain’s Domestic Motive for Ukraine Crisis Surfaces – White House to Blame Economic Collapse, Gas Prices and Inflation on Manufactured Russia-Ukraine Conflict

  1. I’m not going to believe a word of it until Mourning Joe and Mika confirm this excuse for everything going in the toilet. Of course, former President Trump is really responsible for what’s happening in Ukraine and Afghanistan and Taiwan and Mexico. The former President took 15 boxes that included some classified information to Florida. The Justice Department and the FBI are putting their best men on it. The missing documents will prove he’s responsible for all of Obiden’s problems. See how this works?

  2. Like all their other lame lies, this one will collapse and crumble.
    There’s too much evidence to the contrary already.
    If they wanted this lie to have a chance they should have thought ahead when they shut down oil drilling, fracking and the Keystone Pipeline on the first day of WH occupation.

    The price hikes happened faster than they thought they would.
    They piled on with continued fed $ for people to stay home instead of working and continued dictates.

    They thought this would be easier.
    None of them knows how business and economy actually work.
    All they have is theory which is rarely equal to real life.

    Plus the majority of us aren’t stupid like they think we are.
    More evidence of theory not reflecting real life.

  3. “It is not coincidental that ABC (think George Stephanopolous) takes the lead in helping to push this narrative…”

    He always takes the lead in pushing narratives. He took the lead on Trump’s first impeachment by asking Trump, in June 2019, if he would accept dirt, from foreign countries, on political opponents without telling the FBI. A month later, Trump had a “perfect phone call” with Ukraine’s Zelensky, the IC was listening in, and the rest is history.

    Now, Little George is the tip of the spear for another bullshit Ukraine narrative, this time to protect a President, instead of destroy one, and cooperating fully with our corrupt Intel Community. We keep hearing about Russian forces which were suddenly and menacingly massed on the Ukraine border, but who is telling us this? The same IC which spent four years lying about Trump. It would not surprise me to find out that whatever Russian forces are on, or in the vicinity of, the Ukraine border have been there for years.

    Our IC is continually surprised by adverse events both here and abroad, and they never manage to thwart an attack unless it’s one of their own false flag ops. And our media, led by the likes of Little George, carries their water without fail and works hand in glove pushing whatever bullshit is deemed necessary at the moment.

  4. TRF
    FEBRUARY 21, 2022 AT 8:44 AM
    “When their argument reaches full preposterous, they will resort to force as the next step. I smell it coming sometime this summer.”

    We already HAVE.

    What do you think WE are?

    Do you not have people dead from political murders?

    Do you not have people imprisoned indefinitely without trial?

    Have you not had your wealth seized and your cities burned?

    Have you not had your freedom restricted, your ability to purchase curtailed, even been denied a place to eat?

    If not, we’ll be getting to you soon, with the rest of the Federal Government bearing down on you as well.

    We ARE using force.

    You’re just getting used to it, is all…

  5. But Ukraine isn’t a bigger crisis. Nor is it “covering” anything new. The economy was looted, again, before “COVID”. There’s just too much looting available, for people on The Right Side Of History, to get done. This time. Before “COVID” cover wears too thin.

    They could take a break. For now. But why?

  6. “Here’s a flashing neon sign that U.S. energy policy has gone terribly, terribly wrong. Throughout 2021, the U.S. has imported 12 million to 26 million barrels of crude oil and petroleum products per month from Russia — that same country we keep enacting new sanctions on, in an effort to deter Vladimir Putin’s territorial ambitions. The most recent month from the Energy Information Agency’s figures is November 2021, at 17.8 million barrels.”
    yeah, it all makes sense.
    First he shuts down domestic oil production, necessitating oil importation from russia, and then he tries to entice russsia into a war.
    it is a crazy world
    I can see it


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