Canadian Authorities Investigate Canadian Authorities – IOTW Report

Canadian Authorities Investigate Canadian Authorities

Canadian authorities probe leaked messages of police allegedly celebrating injuring protesters.

FOX: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said it is looking into allegedly leaked screenshots showing Canadian authorities reportedly boasting about brute force on protesters demonstrating against Canada’s coronavirus mandates. 

“Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground,” one member of RCMP Musical Ride allegedly wrote. Musical Ride is described as an RCMP group assisting “front-line police operations by building positive relationships, supporting recruiting efforts and promoting the RCMP’s image in communities in Canada.” 

“okay we can give out free hugs and unicorn stickers,” the RCMP member allegedly said after receiving pushback for his “jackboots” remark.  more here

29 Comments on Canadian Authorities Investigate Canadian Authorities

  1. I.m reading lots of reports today about unmarked transport planes landing and off loading tacted out goon squads with no identification on them. Maybe someone should investigate that and where they came from. There’s lots of pictures of them being deployed around the truckers.

  2. Time for them poor horsies to kick all those Nazi bastids with their back legs. Broken TWATawwa canuck pohlice jaws are the best broken TWATawwa canuck pohlice jaws!


  3. Sooooo … the foxes are investigation what happened to the chickens?
    Sounds like a plan.

    The SS always investigated SS corruption/crimes – never found any, though.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Hmmm… police who groove on thumping heads… what a shocking concept! Let’s not clutch the pearls too tight here. The political leadership is the brain that runs the police which are the backs, arms and hands of the state. The police are only too happy to follow orders from above if they seem to be even marginally moral and legal.

    We don’t hire effeminate shrinking violets to be police men and women. We hire ‘controllable thugs’, or ‘thugs with self control’ for the most part for street duty. People who don’t want any brawling at all don’t make usable police.

    Taking joy in thrashing people is a part of human nature. The political leadership is the entity to blame and to punish (thrash) in this developing debacle.

  5. We do that here too, but mostly so we can find out if there’s any real evidence so we can seize it and “lose,” it, and also so we can find out who’s getting the information so we can make THEM disappear as well…

  6. I hate to tell you this again but the MSM & the Cidiots of Toronto, Ottawa, & some parts of Quebec are on the Liberal’s & Turd Boy’s side.

    Regardless, I put up a massive F@CK TRUDEAU Flag on front of the house before going to fix a Furnace this morning. Just got back home, and its still there.

    A couple was walking by and laughing.

  7. What is there to investigate? It is way beyond obvious.

    Governments are not concerned about what is obvious. They are only concerned about what is official. What is official will be whatever paints the government and its officials in the most re-electable light, no matter how obvious the obvious things may be.

  8. We did that too, investigated that guy who shot Ashley Babitt on Mike Pence’s order and everything, found him 100% totally justified and not guilty of extrajudicial murder at all.


  9. We also self-investigate. It’s amazing how aboveboard and honest that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and even Mitch McConnell are. It’s a total delight to have such individuals so provably beyond reproach at the head of our institution. They are honest and lawful as the day is long, I read it in a Congressional report that we wrote.

  10. Well it works both ways I’ll start laughing when a cop gets shot. They lost any respect I may have had for any of them the good ones kept quiet and let the corruption continue.

  11. Joke of the day: “…. building positive relationships, supporting recruiting efforts and promoting the RCMP’s image in communities…”

    The worst bullies in the police force in our town are the women.

  12. ((I am deeply concerned)) that peaceful protesters in Ottawa, Canada, are being brutally and unjustifiably attacked for the suppression of freedom and democracy by the Canadian government. . We call on the Canadian government to exercise restraint, not use violence, respect the people’s freedom to demonstrate, and not suppress protesters.

  13. @Walter Johnson February 21, 2022 at 12:51 pm

    > The political leadership is the brain that runs the police which are the backs, arms and hands of the state.

    > The political leadership is the entity to blame and to punish (thrash) in this developing debacle.

    Without their street crews, the “political leadership” are reduced to receiving “massages” from pre-pubescent citizens. To relieve the “stress” of ruling.

    Destroy the serpent’s fangs, and the poison is no threat.

  14. I don’t know why the media didn’t cover what the Canadian government did to the peaceful protesters. This government
    It pays lip service to human rights and civil society rights, but this government is the worst. You suppress the protesters, they will be dismissed from their jobs, their bank accounts will be frozen, and emergency mode will be activated
    If they do not give up their demands and protest. We call on human rights organizations and human rights organizations and international organizations to intervene and express their opinions in the government’s repression
    Asking the government to exercise restraint
    and democratic freedom

  15. In an unprecedented move…

    The Prime Minister of Canada pledged 6 days ago to freeze the bank account of every person who went out to demonstrate against the vaccine.

    He said the law authorizes him to do this by court order and that he would call in emergency forces to quell protests and rule out calling in the military, adding that he would do so to keep Canadians safe.

  16. @ 🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇦Fred Miles FEBRUARY 21, 2022 AT 3:15 PM

    You do too know. The major media is nothing more than the Ministry of Truth, the propaganda machine of the progressive movement. Big Tech likewise.

  17. The soy tyrant will go down in history alongside Bull Connor. The RCMP has disclosed their allegiance is to the powers that be and have no intentions of serving the people of Canada’s interest.

    God is allowing what we see going on in order that people can see for themselves the absolute moral bankruptcy of what the left stands for. The country of Canada is as divided as the United States and both will continue to become even more divided. There is a struggle going on and it is between good and evil and the events of the last couple years are telling us it is time for everyone to choose sides.

  18. The Coalition that put the petty tyrant in office is poised to vote to back his usurpation of absolute dictatorship over Canada. If “swing voters” don’t recognize the absolute unmistakable tyrannical bent of “progressives” after this they are truly undeserving of any future respect whatsoever.


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