Suspect with 40 prior arrests allegedly assaults 4-year-old in Times Square – IOTW Report

Suspect with 40 prior arrests allegedly assaults 4-year-old in Times Square

PM: A suspect with a long rap sheet and multiple arrests this year alone allegedly randomly punched a four-year-old boy in the head in Times Square.

According to police, just before 3:30 pm Thursday at the corner of 46th Street and Seventh Avenue, Rafaela Rivera and her young son, Angel Rivera, were at the New York City tourist destination when the suspect allegedly approached them and, without warning or provocation, punched the child in the head.

Babacar Mbaye, 34, was arrested for the broad-daylight attack after being tackled by Angel’s mother and another woman, according to police.

Security footage obtained by The New York Post shows the two women rushing in front of the TKTS bleachers to tackle the assailant.

Rafaela told NBC: “All of a sudden I hear like somebody got hit in the head with a halfway empty bottle of water and I turned around and [Angel’s] screaming and crying, getting up off the floor.” more

41 Comments on Suspect with 40 prior arrests allegedly assaults 4-year-old in Times Square

  1. I’m going to put this as bluntly as I can, if you visit any city where Democrats are in charge (Mayor, D.A., Chief of Police, take your pick) you will not be protected and you place yourself in harm’s way.

    This is your warning label; enter at your own risk. Those in charge do not value you or hold your safety as a priority.

  2. I would have hit this bastard so hard it would have killed his entire family tree. Pussy hits a four year old and gets taken down by a woman. He might be one male we should allow to compete in women’s sports

  3. What the holy hell is a Babacar Mbaye and why would we need a friking, stupid, retarded african roaming around this country? Repatriate that piece of filth back to its homeland!

  4. The women take him down and the only man to offer any sort of help keeps an eye on the kid and calls for the cops.
    So many men are weak ass, soy drinking, pussies nowadays.
    F ’em.

  5. Mogabe, I think Africa sent us a bunch of their retards.
    A lot of the Africans who got sent to Maine are insane.
    They block traffic hollering like crazed animals, walk down the street yelling at no one, act like they’re in the middle of a fight with no one within 100’s of yards of them.

    The burn each other’s houses down and murder each other quite often too.

  6. “So many men are weak ass, soy drinking, pussies nowadays”

    Yep, and we could have predicted this years ago. It’s not just decreasing testosterone levels. The absence of male role models, getting beat down by female teachers who make it their mission to destroy toxic masculinity at an early age, a permissive society that vacillates on clear right and wrong moral demarcations, and the effects of a government that praises submissive assent over discernment, males are neurotic, unsure of themselves, weak and rudderless.

  7. “Hey you really are a stupid jackass aren’t you, whole family tree, asshole comment.” -Anonymous February 21, 2022 at 2:59 pm

    Who the hell would thumb-up that comment?

  8. @beachmom February 21, 2022 at 2:28 pm

    > So many men are weak ass, soy drinking, pussies nowadays.

    Single mommy’s. Doing single mommy things. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

  9. Brad, you’re very popular with psycho stalkers.

    The Anonies are the weakest of them all. Built-in cowardice is my guess. Don’t want to be held accountable, don’t add anything of value, and wants to throw sh*t everywhere.

    No different than a hungry 3 year old.

    I’ll be hitting the “Hide Anon Comments” button Fur gives for $500 donations to his single malt scotch and golf needs. I mean art supplies.

  10. He is out there because the progressive movement wants him out there on the streets increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. Followers of that subhuman worldview participate vicariously by voting for and supporting candidates who they know damn well make these incidents inevitable and more likely. And that is a stone cold natural fact.

    They are all complicit, each and every last one of the subhuman pieces of shit who subscribe to or in any way support that political philosophy.

  11. Dadof4, wants to put on her big girl skirt & step up to the plate?
    There’s plenty-o-stupid comments placed here, Brad definitely adds to that mix. Q & NWO nonsense, give me a fucking break.

  12. According to the lawyer:
    The accused was dancing in the midst of Times Square, attorney Thomas Kenniff said, adding that it was at this time when he made contact with the child which “drew the ire of the child’s mother who maybe perhaps reasonably believed that he intended to strike the child”.

    “But I’m confident that was not his intention,” Mr Kenniff said.

    Purely an accident…maybe some counseling is called for…a psychologist can give him a good talking to and Babacar will be right as rain.

    I say the lawyers are the biggest threat in this country.

  13. I’m still waiting for an Anonymous, any Anonymous to type something thought-provoking, astute, or even on topic. Maybe one day.

    I’ve never understood the hit-and-run appeal of these guys, run-up, ring the doorbell, then scurry away giggling like a 10-year-old girl. Vapid, empty lives, poor souls.

  14. @rich taylor February 21, 2022 at 3:39 pm

    > I’m still waiting for an Anonymous, any Anonymous to type something thought-provoking, astute, or even on topic. Maybe one day.

    No. Not one day. Tell me you know why.

  15. “No. Not one day. Tell me you know why.”

    I do know why but still disapprove. TBH I bet if you tried engaging instead of ridiculing, you would get more out it. Just an opinion.

  16. WHEN the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
    He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
    But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
    For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

  17. Rich Taylor

    “Yep, and we could have predicted this years ago. It’s not just decreasing testosterone levels. ”
    I have a good friend that’s a Sports Medicine Doc. She’s told me several time about how shockingly low the Testosterone levels are in some of the high school athletes she treats. She convinced it’s by design from our Government and it’s in our food supply.
    That might explain some of these Anons too. LOL

  18. And it’s stuff that can all be corrected. Fat kids grow up to be fat adults, they don’t exercise, they eat crap food, smoke too much weed, put toxins into their system, and are too lazy to improve themselves or their game. And they wonder why they can’t get laid.

  19. It can’t always be corrected. If the individual is incapable they are actual doing TRT on 18 year olds. But there’s more to be considered. Natural Human Growth Hormones, and Nitrogen levels. Squats will actually spur hormone production. That’s why I love leg day. LOL

  20. Brad, I agree on nutrition and PT. Entered a physical fitness ‘lifestyle’ at age 15 or 16, when Dad gave me his Sears & Roebuck Ted Williams weight set. Never looked back…now have a well appointed home gym. During the ’90s as an HHC XO, went through the Army Master Fitness Trainer program and certified. Later picked up some civ fitness and nutrition training/certs.

    I volunteer in grand kids schools and I’m appalled by the kiddos overall poor health (not to mention that of teachers and staff) and what passes for physical education in the schools.


  21. This We Defend
    I love that story. My dad bought me a Gemco weight set at 12. Plastic covered cement plates. I never looked back. I went big. 45 years later got sick. On the mend again and this time around lifting smart instead of hard. But you gotta lift. Positive Nitrogen flow is paramount for building spinach inspired muscles. No matter your age.

  22. Brad,
    I hear you buddy! Yep, have fond memories of those old mustard brown Williams concrete plates. Still have the bars. All Weider & Olympic iron, now. I never really went big, my three Army decades I focused mostly on strength/endurance. Never could keep the mass on, anyway. Now that I’m mid-60-ish…body has started talking…it’s def all about smarter not harder. Had to drop runs in favor of mtn bike, which I found I enjoy immensely. Especially prowling through the Palo Duro Canyon, Alibates Flint Quarries, & Buffalo Lake parks.

    Have followed your occasional posts on health…very glad you’re on the mend. Lift for life. A solid PT regimen is good, if not essential, for body, mind and spirit…no matter the age.

    Stay well and safe!


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