Oregon: Rep. Wilde, latest Democrat to defect over abuse of power he witnessed – IOTW Report

Oregon: Rep. Wilde, latest Democrat to defect over abuse of power he witnessed

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

In the past few months, a handful of Democrat office holders have gone public with their protest against their own political party for what they see as the abuses of one party rule in Oregon.

This week, Democrat Oregon state Representative Marty Wilde has left the Democrat House Caucus because of how the caucus was hiding things from the public and how decision making power was made behind closed doors. Representative Wilde explains in a very bold and eye-popping letter in the Oregonian:

He said his Party overrode the duty of the people:

“I could not continue to participate in a caucus that had stopped acting democratically. We had failed to set a positive example of transparency and engagement and stopped supporting laws that returned power to the people we represent. Instead, we let our partisan desire to maintain power override our duty to the people….”

They kept the public in the dark:

“Since I joined the caucus in 2019 as a freshman legislator, it has become less and less democratic. My fellow Democratic lawmakers and I met privately each day during the legislative session. We debated proposals like the Student Success Act and public pension reform, and we did not even inform the public about the topics of our discussions and preemptive decisions.” more here

7 Comments on Oregon: Rep. Wilde, latest Democrat to defect over abuse of power he witnessed

  1. I say, I Say, HORSE SHIT SIR!
    That is Pure HORSE SHIT!

    2 weeks ago a Canadian LIBERAL Member of Parliament spoke out against Turdeau. This evening he voted with his party to invoke the federal Emergency Act.

    Bottom line, he WILL toe the line like a good little Cuck.

  2. Same here in Maine.
    Dirty Dems run every branch of govt now.
    During a committee debate, after a Republican spoke and sat down, the Dem Chair leaned over and told him, “We don’t care what you Republicans want. We’re doing what we want”.
    They decide everything ahead and the debates and public input are just theater.

    Gotta live those out of state leftists who move here, eh? 😒

    We’ll see if these disillusioned Dems actually do something different or if they eep putting Oregon down the tubes.

  3. He left the Democratic caucus in the SUMMER??? Summer was like six months ago. What has he done since then? Does he still consider himself a democrat, and does he continue to vote that way? Kudos for speaking out, but if he continues to toe the democrat line, then nothing has really changed, has it?

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