California Parents Furious Male Counselors Slept in Same Room as Elementary Females at Science Camp – IOTW Report

California Parents Furious Male Counselors Slept in Same Room as Elementary Females at Science Camp

Legal Insurrection- Some parents of students at Jack L. Weaver Elementary School in California are furious because biological males slept in the same room as fifth-grade girls for three nights at a science camp organized by the school.

The school is located in Los Alamitos in San Bernardino County, which is about 15 miles from Long Beach, CA. It belongs to the Los Alamitos Unified School District.

The males are non-binary and use they/them pronouns. From KTLA:

“No parent should feel the way I feel after knowing what could have happened to my daughter,” said parent Suzy Johnson.

The parents say their fifth-grade girls told them some of the biologically male counselors at Camp Pali in San Bernardino who use they/them pronouns spent three nights sleeping in cabins with the young girls.

“I contacted the school and asked them if they were able to confirm that there was not a man actually sleeping in the same cabin as the girls. They were not able to confirm that,” added parent Rachel Sandoval.


11 Comments on California Parents Furious Male Counselors Slept in Same Room as Elementary Females at Science Camp

  1. The school system in CA is littered with Pervs. How about the school teacher that made students taste his sp3rm? He wasn’t fired, they put him on paid leave!! Maybe now, Parents in CA are waking up, cause they’ve been asleep at the wheel or just don’t care about their kids.

  2. Its soience camp, getting pregnant after being raped by a child molester is soience too, so is HIV, AIDS, syphilis, and gonorrhea, see, they learned something about soience from the Democrat masters of it, so shut up or you’re a racist transhomopedophobe who MUST be silenced by force…

  3. Heatsync
    FEBRUARY 22, 2022 AT 9:13 AM
    “Starve the beast.”

    …we’ll take your money anyway, we don’t need your consent OR your kid. We’ll take it from OTHER states if we have to, what do you think “COVID” funds and Federal rebates on crippling State taxes are for?

    Also, if it comes down to it, we’ll say you’re too transphoic to raise your child to think how WE want them to, so CPS will come take it and place it with a nice trans man/woman/couple/throple and you’ll never see it again, unless it is changed and broken in which case we will return it to you so you can see what we’ve done…

    Stupid peasant. Don’t you get it yet? We own your money. We own your children. We own YOU.

    And there’s not a thing you can do about it, since we own all the “good” guys with guns as well…

  4. There is no such thing as a non-binary person. Sex is binary. Male or female. But, for the sake of argument, let’s pretend that there is such thing as a non-binary person. Such a person still is not female and does not belong in a cabin separated by the female sex.

    These pervs were sleeping and showering with little girls because they wanted to and couldn’t even commit to the fraud of pretending to be female in order to do so.

  5. Being California, I’ll bet almost every one of these concerned parents has made statements to their friends that they support the lgbtqrtslmnop “lifestyle”. They can all fuck off.

  6. CA asked for it, voted for it, paid for it, and tolerates it.

    So they got it!

    Exactly what they voted for, asked for, and paid for.
    Little late to bitch, isn’t it?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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