“It gave me a brain freeze”: AOC Dunks Her Face In Bowl Of Ice Water On Instagram Live To De-Stress – IOTW Report

“It gave me a brain freeze”: AOC Dunks Her Face In Bowl Of Ice Water On Instagram Live To De-Stress

Daily Wire: Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Monday twice dunked her face in a bowl of ice water on Instagram Live, hoping to de-stress.

“Ok so no lie I have been very very stressed out lately and today I found myself staying in a stressful mental pattern that was just creating more stress for myself,” reads text overlayed on a video AOC posted. “I wanted to interrupt that.”

“Riley (AOC’s boyfriend) and I read previously that dunking your face in a bowl of ice water can be a way of redirecting by forcing your body to do a kind of reset of your parasympathetic nervous system, so I’m going to try it,” it continues.

“So we filled this water bowl with ice and scooped it out right before dunking,” the text says. more here

28 Comments on “It gave me a brain freeze”: AOC Dunks Her Face In Bowl Of Ice Water On Instagram Live To De-Stress

  1. Dunking in ice water may become a mandatory therapy for the stress caused by false beliefs such as believing 2020 was stole, that Covid is overhyped, that vaccines don’t wok, that gender is not fluid, that white men are not personally accountable of all the ills of the world…

  2. I kinda like the ending where the video froze and she keeps her head under water for hours!

    Maybe she should try a sauna and a cold pool!
    “I am told this is a sauna. I’ve never seen a sauna. I never had one in any place I’ve ever lived. It is terrifying. I don’t know what it’s for, or what its purpose is. Like, is this environmentally sound?”

  3. What kind of stress could this moistened bint possibly be under? She’s wealthy and powerful and famous far beyond her wit and her merit, she doesn’t have to do, make, or produce anything successfully, it’s racist to expect her to do what she says or do it on time, she has legions of rabid npcs to defend her every stupidity, she’s above every law but can use law as a weapon against her enemies, her every lie is accepted as truth and any truth she doesn’t like is “fact checked” as a lie, and she’s young and physically healthy besides.

    Also, she has no concious to torment her for the horrible things she has done to the people of her district and her nation, and because of her seared concious and reprobate mind she doesn’t even have the sense to fear God.

    Seems to ME she has no basis for stress whatsoever, unless she considers it stressful that she isn’t an absolute Queen with immediate life and death powers over all yet..

    Also, I call bullshit on her “Reading” it somewhere. She’s too stupid to read. Maybe her boyfriend read it to her, but she isn’t particulary literate and definitely not sane herself…

  4. Maybe she needs a dash of cold water to chill her fantasies about how every conservative wants to have sex with her…or maybe her stress and her fantasies are because “Riley” isn’t “up” to the task, seems likely for a beta male that would be allowed to approach such an icon of liberalism AND a horse-faced one who is a super combination of bitchy and stupid, so maybe instead of plunging her face in ice water to destress she should bag both her head and her attitude and let a REAL man plunge it into her to “release that tension”, because all these leftist gals always end up as frustrated man-haters but THIS one is “mountable” as Moe Tom once said so maybe she’s salvageable by the right man who isn’t Riley…

  5. Is she related to that dope in the Canadian Parliament who thinks Honk, honk is just another way of saying Heil Hitler?

    See. You don’t have to be smart to get elected. Just obedient.
    In fact the dumber the better for the puppet masters.

  6. I was so turned on watching her I had to stick my cock in a snowbank. But she’s so damn irresistible the snowbank lost, it’s like totes melted and I think I need to call my doc about this rager, but there’s another problem, my wife what will she say??? plz send help… ahh wait, there’s nancy pelouzi nevermind.

  7. Next thing she’ll try is waxing her uterine walls to a high gloss–Gwyneth Paltrow swears that it’s the next wave and even has a line of non-petroleum based flavored waxes for the boudoir.


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