Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds To Deliver Republican Response To State Of The Union – IOTW Report

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds To Deliver Republican Response To State Of The Union

Daily Caller: Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds will give the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday.

“While Washington Democrats fail working Americans, Republican governors are fighting and winning for families. Gov. Kim Reynolds’ brave, bold and successful leadership for Iowans has put her right at the front of that pack,” McConnell said in a statement.

Reynolds “handled COVID by choosing freedom over lockdowns and personal responsibility over mandates – leading to real economic recovery from the pandemic. She kept kids in school and critical race theory out. And she stood tall for election integrity when Speaker Pelosi tried to steal a congressional seat from Iowans,” McCarthy added. read more

13 Comments on Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds To Deliver Republican Response To State Of The Union

  1. She can write her response now,”See, this is why the rest of the world is laughing at us and every aspect of our own country is in the shitter. What were you people thinking?”.

    But in all seriousness, the whole practice has become antiquated and unnecessary. It has turned into nothing more than a cheerleading fest that nobody watches. Go back to the old ways where the President writes down his lies and sends them to Congress so he can be derided behind closed doors.

  2. Anonymous SubPrime FEBRUARY 23, 2022 AT 10:04 AM
    “When is the SOTU? I wouldn’t miss that for all the gold in China. It’s going to be epic with stuttering Joe at the podium. I feel for the sigh language person though.”

    {Makes sign for (Pause in speech with sound of pedophile shitting his pants)}

  3. They sure change history don’t they? I went to Iowa when she didn’t choose freedom over lockdowns and didn’t choose private responsibility over mandates. They had state mask mandates and restaurants all over were shut down. In Iowa was where I was explaining to people masks weren’t “law” because Governors do not make law. Several when they saw me and my family without a face diaper and explained this to them would take theirs off.

  4. @Old Racist White Woman February 23, 2022 at 1:25 pm

    > my opinion of Iowa politicians is most of them are RINOS

    But. But. They yearn to be ruled by stronk wymyn! What could be more conservative!?

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