‘What Sanction Is Going To Stop Them?’: Peter Doocy Hammers Psaki On Response To Putin – IOTW Report

‘What Sanction Is Going To Stop Them?’: Peter Doocy Hammers Psaki On Response To Putin

Daily Wire:

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy challenged Press Secretary Jen Psaki directly on the Biden administration’s apparent unwillingness to consider any response beyond sanctions to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Pointing to the fact that the threat of sanctions — issued in the name of deterrence — had done little to deter Putin from taking the first steps toward a full-scale invasion, Doocy asked what the White House believed more sanctions would do if Putin’s plan was to redraw the map in a way that carved up Ukraine and served it to Russia.

Doocy began by asking about President Joe Biden’s contention, following a briefing early in his presidency, that the Pentagon generals had assured him that climate change was going to be the greatest threat facing the United States in the coming years. read more

13 Comments on ‘What Sanction Is Going To Stop Them?’: Peter Doocy Hammers Psaki On Response To Putin

  1. it should also be considered that sanctions will mean that russia will make more, while selling less, of their oil and gas to europe, which is dependent upon them.
    and we’ll pay more, too, just for good measure.

  2. Well, Joe has said Putin is scared to go to-to-toe with him so we’ve got nothing to worry about.

    As for climate change, Barry can report back on the sea level rise from his Hawaii beachfront mansion. He is sacrificing so much for the good of the nation.

  3. I like Peter, but the fact that Chuckie continues to allow him to ask these semi-inconvenient questions leads me to regard him as the “controlled opposition;” @ DrRiff has the truth of it.

  4. Doocy gets the red headed joke stroke. Actually, looking at the part in her hair, I don’t think the carpet matches the drapes so it isn’t really the red headed joke stroke at all. Still a joke stroke of course.

  5. the Pentagon generals had assured him that climate change was going to be the greatest threat facing the United States in the coming years

    Truth. Like Ukraine, who’d want the whole of The United States shit hole?


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