The Grievance Studies Affair – REVEALED – IOTW Report

The Grievance Studies Affair – REVEALED

What appears beyond dispute is that making absurd and horrible ideas sufficiently politically fashionable can get them validated at the highest levels of academic grievance studies.”

This is an interesting short 6 minute video done by a group of people on the Left who are trying to expose grievance bullshitters. They have a series on it linked at the channel if you’d like to see it.

They wrote an article about their findings-
From dog rape to white men in chains: We fooled the biased academic left with fake studies.
Grievance studies’ have taken over academic inquiry into race, gender, and sexuality. Today’s scholarship is often just sexism and racism repackaged.

h/t ToreSaysShow

10 Comments on The Grievance Studies Affair – REVEALED

  1. I have shared how the full time grievance peddlers showed up and wanted to “help the cause” in the advocacy for disabled people my friend and I were engaging in. We were able to get media coverage through a connection I had at one of Seattle’s largest television news stations and my partner could muster hundreds of individuals in wheelchairs, with TBI, using walkers etc with 24 hours notice.

    What we found out is they wanted to use the people we were trying to help by absorbing them into their ranks and augment the presence they could muster in their media events. What they had to offer was anything but helpful to us getting our message out. They wanted to conflate our events with a call to end this that and the other imagined oppression they had on their agenda.

    These individuals are absolute human filth and the best advice I can give anyone is to not have anything to do with them.

  2. Name me one left wing ally or cause that isn’t based on a grievance. Blacks, gays lgbtqecfuo’s. Even pedophiles and fans of bestiality feel they have an axe to grind. The real sorrow of all this is the supposed “academics” and politicians that back them up.

  3. It is just a newer implementation of the climate change loophole: anyone can get their paper published or grant application approved as long as they connect it to whatever the unassailable social dogma of the moment happens to be.

    For example: if you applied for a government grant to study the nut gathering behavior of squirrels, your grant application would likely be rejected. But if you applied for a government grant to study the nut gathering behavior of squirrels and how it has been affected by climate change, you’re much more likely to win the grant.

  4. @JDHasty: “[full time grievance peddlers] are absolute human filth and the best advice I can give anyone is to not have anything to do with them.”

    I’d make one exception to that advice and it would have something to do with baseball bats and brass knucks.


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