Trudeau set to revoke Emergencies Act: sources – IOTW Report

Trudeau set to revoke Emergencies Act: sources

Blazing Cat Fur: OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to revoke use of the Emergencies Act, according to two senior government sources, now that the protest in downtown Ottawa is over. more

17 Comments on Trudeau set to revoke Emergencies Act: sources

  1. Senate was probably going to vote against.
    Also, as Anonymous noted, banking measures likely hurt everyone rather than just the truckers and their supporters, I’m sure many were pulling all of their money out.
    He’ll declare victory of course.

  2. Believe me, it was not just the smaller guys pulling out their money.
    It was major foreign banks SCREAMING WTF. NO MULTINATIONAL CORP. wants a little socialist looking at every transaction.

    Imagine, Toyota Canada having paid a trucking company that is getting looked at by RCMP for Ottawa protest participation due to a straight forward haulage fee.
    Then further Having to prove to a fat ass Desk driver in Ottawa that they weren’t plotting an insurrection with Bouncy Castles & Barbecues.

    LCDan, The senate is currently FULL of Liberal Appointments that although, not politically affiliated, they remember who got them the cush cush job for life. Laziest People in the Country. The Canadian Senate is a rubber stamp and serves a very different purpose than the US Senate.

    Cheers all.

  3. Regardless, I have started paying a lot more attention to my Bank accounts and am not on a massive Fee reduction mission.

    More ETF’s & Direct stocks rather than “Managed funds”
    Average MER’s up here are well above 2% where ETF’s are 0.5% expense ratios.

  4. Richard Nixon was told that if the Senate voted on his impeachment, he would lose big time.

    I am sure that Fidel Jr. was told the same thing about the emergency measures.

    He said the measures would end today. If a few months a commission will be formed to investigate if invoking those measures was the right thing to do — and of course they will find that it was. They will also investigate whether the truckers were such a danger to democracy — and of course they will find that the case as well. I imagine that Fidel will appoint the commission to make sure they reach the desired conclusions.

    I think Fidel has already damaged the Canadian banking industry and it will be a long time before it recovers. As others have indicated, there is nothing to stop him from doing it again, and that has people worried.

  5. @Joe Btfsplk February 23, 2022 at 4:24 pm

    > Castro-Trudeau should resign in shame if he was a decent human being.

    “Resign in shame”? So that’s what Canucks call death by “full release” auto-erotic asphyxiation.


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