What You Get When Inviting a Crazy Commie Race Baiter to Discuss Ukraine – IOTW Report

What You Get When Inviting a Crazy Commie Race Baiter to Discuss Ukraine

 The Look on the Panelists Faces is Priceless

31 Comments on What You Get When Inviting a Crazy Commie Race Baiter to Discuss Ukraine

  1. ABC’s Special Report: “Booms in Kiev!” Many booms. No flashes. Sounds like the Russians are detonating some ordnance to scare the reporters and locals – and announce the RUS (ROOS!) are coming! The reporters could hardly utter a coherent sentence they were so scared.

    I’m gonna need more crunchy edibles on hand if this keeps up in the coming days. Gotta be better than the Olympics.

  2. Burr’s right kiddies … grab your real estate now, declare it the Free Sovreign State of Freedonia (or whatever)!

    defy your ex-sovereignty of choice to re-annex, tax, enslave you to their yoke.

    you are a free, autonomous people! … how dare they invade!!!

  3. “Call out the instigators
    Because there’s something in the air
    We’ve got to get together sooner or later
    Because the revolution’s here
    And you know it’s right
    And you know that it’s right
    We have got to get it together
    We have got to get it together now

    Block off the streets and houses
    Because there’s something in the air
    We’ve got to get together sooner or later
    Because the revolution’s here,
    And you know it’s right
    And you know that it’s right
    We have got to get it together
    We have got to get it together now

    Hand out the arms and ammo
    We’re going to blast our way through here
    We’ve got to get together sooner or later
    Because the revolution’s here and you know it’s right
    And you know that it’s right
    We have got to get it together
    We have got to get it together now”

    Note to self: a ‘Revolution’ is defined as one complete turn … over & over again

  4. Burr … point is, the hippies are in charge now … it’s their language/bullshit that’s smacking them in the face now

    btw, luv your Lawrence impersonation … & if you ain’t kick-startin’ you ain’t motorin’

  5. Tough to give 2 shits about the Krain when I live in a country that Gives no shits about its own democracy and tries to steal your money, assets, & force you into bankruptcy.

    So let the EU, WHO, Klaus Schwab & Queen Elizabeth deal with it.

  6. FWIW:

    The fucking Canadian Bastard Media is still yapping about the trucker shit.

    One of the CBC Vehicles (mini van) got stuck in the snow and an unemployed trucker pulled them out with a rope saying, “we don’t leave Canadians stuck in the snow.” The commies actually admitted it.

  7. General Malaise
    FEBRUARY 23, 2022 AT 11:34 PM
    “Sounds like the Russians are detonating some ordnance to scare the reporters and locals – and announce the RUS (ROOS!) are coming! The reporters could hardly utter a coherent sentence they were so scared.”

    …hopefully they kill a few dozen American commie propagandists before this is all over. It won’t teach them anything, cf. Daniel Pearl et.al., but at least we’ll be rid of those specific Mouths of Sauron forever.

    One less liar wouldn’t be much, but ya gotta start somewhere…

  8. “…The reporters could hardly utter a coherent sentence they were so scared.”

    ….no, it’s because they are public skule edumakated Democrats.

    They NEVER utter a coherent sentence.

    Applied to the ranking dems to, cf. Psaki, Pedo, Nancy, all those evil liars.

  9. He used the leftist shopping list on that nonsense statement.
    All those white supremist liberals were doing face plants in their mind as the token black man made his rant.

  10. “Sounds like the Russians are detonating some ordnance to scare the reporters and locals – and announce the RUS (ROOS!) are coming! The reporters could hardly utter a coherent sentence they were so scared.”

    Last night, in a bit of theatrics, the sissy bitch CNN reporter was so caught up in an explosion he felt the need to put on his flak jacket. I’m sure it was made by Burberry.


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