Asked if He Underestimated Putin, Biden Stares Vacantly and Picks His Teeth – IOTW Report

Asked if He Underestimated Putin, Biden Stares Vacantly and Picks His Teeth

It’s one of the most awkward twenty seconds ever captured on video in a disastrous administration that lurches from one awkward moment to another: when asked “Do you think you may have underestimated Putin?,” Old Joe Biden first continued to stare in the general direction of the question, a slight smirk on his face, expression absolutely unchanged from what it had been before the question was asked. A few seconds later he turned his head to face the camera and, after a few more seconds, grinned sardonically. A few seconds later, he began picking his teeth with his thumbnail, and then grins a bit vacantly before the video mercifully runs out.

Amid all the wrong choices, erroneous policies, abject failures, and stupid missteps of this disastrous administration, it was a trivial moment, but it was a telling one. more

42 Comments on Asked if He Underestimated Putin, Biden Stares Vacantly and Picks His Teeth

  1. Jackass Joe
    Traitor Joe
    Joe Xiden
    Bullshit Biden
    Bolshevik Biden
    Chancellor (Cancellor) Biden
    Brain-Dead Dipshit
    Joseph Stolen
    Slow Joe
    Sleepy Joe
    Dumb Shit
    Pedo Joe
    Squint Eastwood
    The Grinning Imbecile
    Commander Numbnutz Bumblefuk
    Mr. Stinky-Pinky
    pResident Assterisk
    pResident Pappy Poopy Pants
    Ole Slingblade with a poop knife

    That’s the look of a man who’s been diddled by the dangling dong of dysfunction! For the first time in American history we have no President… just a weak, frail, blustering, bragging, stumbling, bumbling, “stupid sonovabitch” who was installed like a toilet by a criminally corrupt political system and their bought & paid for knee-pad Media.

  2. When fox’s Doucy asked PedoJoe46 if he underestimated Putin….he said that PedoJoe46 said something to the zoom audience that was unflattering about him as the reporters were ushered out……take your pick……

    ……”The thing I love about the press is they’re always on message”…..or……”Did you underestimate Putin?”…..

    Why is it we have to read foreign news outlets to hear about American news…..???

  3. He could’ve picked his nose and greedily ate his own boogers. And did anyone check his Depends to see if he shit his pants? We’re dealing with the dumbest of dumbass SOB presidunces ever and the democraps keep thinking that their guy is a genius. FJB/LGB!

  4. Putin is playing 5 dimensional chess while Joe is still confused with Tic-Tac-Toe.

    The real joke here is that when Hillary created her FAKE Russian Collusion slander against Trump then the Democrats were obligated to play along. That gave Putin the psychological edge over the Obama/Biden administrations foreign policies. Now Biden has his tit in the ringer and is forced to play into European energy and economic outcomes in order to save face with the Green Energy Weenies. Meanwhile Communist Xi has free rein to do pretty much anything he wants because he has Biden and other politicians on his payroll. The end game is that we all get socked with higher inflation to pay for Biden’s stupidity.

    Stolen Elections Have Consequences.

  5. ^^^ “Jackass Joe …”
    please add joey basements
    the tooth thing was probably his dementia, but he could also have thought he would look like some tough guy from a cowboy or gangster movie.

  6. Does Fisher-Price even make a small tricycle limo with a 19″ wheelbase just for joey? It comes standard equipped with training wheels and colorful rainbow streamers and clown horn and red nose on the front as the hood ornament. Just the thing for chasing after little girls so he can sniff their hair.

  7. “…Picks His Teeth”

    …probably not “his” teeth, either.

    Just as fake as everything else about him.

    Just there for show, they don’t do anything about the stench of corruption and decay from deep inside him.

    Just like everything else about him.

  8. Ukraine
    How will Biden manage his relations with nuclear Russia, Europe’s largest gas supplier?
    Biden has failed in managing his country’s relations with Iran, which have been deteriorating and besieged for 40 years.
    Washington stands confused in front of a group of illusion sellers and incubators of terrorism trying to appease them .
    How will Washington deal with
    the Russian bear.

  9. The American political class has lost touch with reality. What we see in Ukraine is caused by this failed political class in dealing with geopolitical files.
    What a joke. Russia is bombing Ukraine to hell, and John Kerry is more concerned about the climate and his climate change agenda.
    Russia and Ukraine

  10. SloJoe is biting his tongue too. He wants so badly to brag that he’s losing his ass on his personal Ukrainian ‘investments’.

    More delicious irony that his ‘sanctions’ were aimed at Russian plutocrats. Who’s the corrupt plutocrat, Joey?? And none of your wealth was earned.


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