Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset is doomed to fail – IOTW Report

Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset is doomed to fail

(LifeSiteNews) — Since the advent of COVID totalitarianism, the Great Reset — the brain child of Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF) — has taken center stage as a potential threat to the human race and any hope of living in a pre-COVID society.

Many are worried that this threat will come to fruition and that we will be living in a science fiction totalitarian state. However, I believe it will fail, and I would go as far as saying I am certain it will fail.

Open Conspiracy

Some have claimed that the movement to change the landscape of human society is nothing more than a “conspiracy theory” thought up by crazy people who wear tin hats and prattle on about aliens and lizard people. However, it is a real thing and it is no conspiracy.

A conspiracy is a hidden or clandestine maneuver to do something evil — a secret evil plan. The Great Reset is in plain sight and the Schwabian progenitors of the movement are more than happy to be in the public eye.


8 Comments on Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset is doomed to fail

  1. It will fail only if we can expose the members and their agenda.

    The Hill has a daily podcast called “Rising” which I look at occasionally, they covered this the other day. They mentioned Tulsi Gabbard, Dan Crenshaw, and Nicki Haley as card-carrying members, very informative;


    These guys are dedicated, well funded, and so far are flying under the radar.

  2. That they think God isn’t intelligent…boy are they in for a surprise.
    I’m sure they don’t think their plans will ever be completely implemented. They probably figure half will. 50% is better than nothing and the real goal is power and control.
    Not the planet or anyone’s well being.
    They would have us eat bugs while they eat only the finest real foods.

    They make me think of Soylent Green and the Borg.


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