Biden to nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court – IOTW Report

Biden to nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court


37 Comments on Biden to nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court

  1. After the hi-tech lynching Sen Joe Biden/Brandon tried 30 years ago with Judge Thomas, NOW Slo Joe nominates a Black woman for the court. She may be very qualified, but how many are looking at her as just a “token” like Kamala Harris ?

  2. An Affirmative Action hire based on ‘Color of Skin’ instead of ‘Content of Character’, intelligence, merit, ability and constitutional knowledge! What she needs is to be sent back to Africa to join her long lost brothers and sister’s of color!

  3. The crazy thing is when it comes to picking a SCOTUS Demarcates are always 100% on getting a justice who rules via the libtard way of thinking.

    However, this is Biden. How funny would it be that his pick upon getting the job you can’t be fired from turns out to be to the right of Scalia. Most likely not going to happen to be sure but if a Dem were to get it wrong Biden is the one to do it.

  4. I agree with Scott Adams’ comment – she will be approved anyway, so GOP should just make it unanimous. Would help for next time DeSantis nominates someone.
    …because Trump won’t have any vacancies next term…

  5. LCD, sometimes Scott Adams tries too hard to be clever.
    Does he expect the republicans to roll over after Kavanaugh & ACB were slandered with outfuckingrageous lies & bullshit, their names and families drug through the mud?

    Adams is a fucking pothead smug asshole who does edibles for breakfast.
    He sided with the govt on mandates & has been all over the place since.
    Sorry Scott but go fuck yourself.
    You aren’t half as smart as you profess to be.

    I don’t hate the dude, I just hate semi-smart arrogant assholes that think they are geniuses.
    I think it’s always 4:20 in Adamsville…

  6. Qualified? The most qualified?
    Oh yeah I forgot the necessary the requirements for qualification. Woman – check, black – check! Joe is easy to please, just look at our VP.


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