What’s really going on in Ukraine – IOTW Report

What’s really going on in Ukraine



Ukraine is historically a part of the Russian heartland. Going all the way back to Russia’s progenitor state of Kievan Rus of the 10th century, founded by the Rurikid dynasty originating among Swedish vikings, Ukraine has been a part of, or closely connected to, the continuous political entity that we now call “Russia”.

Sure, there were periods where statelets on the contemporary Ukrainian territory were independent from formal Russian control, e.g. the Grand Principality of Kiev was under Lithuania for a century, a suzerain of the Golden Horde for a while, and there were various tribes occupying the contemporary territory in what’s a rather complex history.

However, what’s now Ukraine was really never outside of “Russian” hegemony and culture since the 1000s, and was formally a part of the Russian Empire since the 18th century.

This is not to say that Russia prima facie “has a right” to the territory in any legal or moral sense, my point here is just that they in many ways are intimately connected, and until very recently actually were part of the same political entity. MORE h/t joe6pak

28 Comments on What’s really going on in Ukraine

  1. Anybody that thinks there is a good guy to be found in this is sadly mistaken. Everyone are bad guys, except for the civilian populations of countries involved. The honest hardworking individuals and families are the victims. The Deep State are the bad guys and they play both sides!

  2. In poker, one often sees the bet and ‘calls.’

    We could have ‘called’ when Putin played his demand cards, negotiated a deal of benefit to everyone and then everyone could have stood down.

    But that’s not what the Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden/Deep State neocons wanted. They built this.

    And now this:


    This puting Russia under a state of financial siege will not end well, either.

    None of this ends well for anyone! In fact, we’re one or two stupid mistakes away from a full Eurasian war.

    Gird your loins.

  3. They tried to negotiate, Putin’s demands were unrealistic. Invading the Ukraine was years in the making! Putin alone owns this! But he (who, T) will spread mins-information to help his friend.

  4. Bidens, Bushes, Pelosis, Schumers, Schitts, &c. are making a fortune off the deaths and sufferings in Ukraine.

    War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death – we now have 3 of the 4 – and the Usurper Biden’s mal-Administration is striving to force Famine upon us, too.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Hey commies are gonna commie, ts what they do. Russia has been invaded so many times in rheur history they have become a paranoid tolitarian bunch.

    Putin lost his buffer states and wants them back. As expected his military is not up to the task and hopefully is giving him second thoughts about invading the Baltic states, but that would assume he’s rational.

    This could go very badly if he resorts to tactical nukes, hypersonic missiles or themobaric bombs because his ground forces are stymied.

    Do you get the impression that the Russian army is not really into crushing Ukraine?

    A bunch of conscripted kids really, at best they seem ambivalent about driving those tanks.

    This is the sad predictable outcome of having a stupid, weak, feckless,cowardly, bombastic, senile, corrupt, self aggrandizing buffon as the part time resident of the WH.

  6. Same global control bullshit that’s going on with all western democracies. Either you are with them or you’re the enemy. This was never gonna play out any other way.

  7. Vladimir Putin is so obviously at fault in this invasion of a country that was pursuing the kind of open, democratic government and society that millions of Russians have been denied under Putin and his fellow kleptocrats. Most of Europe has been willing to overlook Putin’s autocratic methods in exchange for energy, prosperity and peace. They’ve been living in denial of the dangerous threat that’s on their doorsteps once again. Putin’s taking advantage of the disarmed and weakened Europe to try to restore the territory of the Soviet Union has finally awakened millions of people. Reminds me of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

  8. Donald Trump removed one of Russia’s trump cards, oil, by making the US a net exporter of oil. Now that card has been returned to Putin, thanks to a stolen election and a communist puppet occupying the White House, who has made us dependent on foreign oil again.

  9. I don’t believe Donny’s take on this, his secret meetings, nothing recorded, no records of the meeting , that equals lies. Putin is a goddamn liar & Donny is not telling the truth. This is exactly why I’ll be voting for DeSantis.

  10. Russians support nationalism and energy/economic independence policies. Globalists put a target on his back for that. Sound familiar?
    It’s not communism that globalists oppose, it’s Putin’s communism they oppose.

  11. The arguments regarding Russia invading Ukraine will be used by Hunter Biden , when he is elected President by 120% of our population, to support the invasion of America by Mexico.

  12. Well Anondick, Putin is ramping up the nuclear options, think your pudding headed pedophile of a resident will leave his Deleware dementia drip long enough to prevent an impending nuclear war?

    You are such a fucktard…

  13. Land belongs to whoever can take it, for as long as they can hold it. From the beginning of time to the end of the world, the only legal claim to land is force of arms.
    We have our own invasion to deal with.

  14. The leaders in all countries in this contremps are the enemy. The people want none of this. There are no more ‘free’ elections west or east. The elite chooses its figurehead.


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