A Handful of Small-Town Indians With No Experience in Journalism Are Your Fact Checkers – IOTW Report

A Handful of Small-Town Indians With No Experience in Journalism Are Your Fact Checkers

A Google-Funded ‘Fact Check’ Team is a Handful of Indians With No Experience in Journalism in a Small Town Near Bangladesh.

National Pulse:
Last week Instagram notified me that a viral post I had published was “fact checked” by a group called ‘The Healthy Indian Project’. My mother is from Bombay, and I did lose 40lbs last year, but I didn’t think they had created an entire unit just for me. So, I decided to find out who this group is. My findings are bemusing.

The Healthy Indian Project (‘THIP’) appears to have started as a fitness and lifestyle site in 2018. Its CEO – Sudipta Sengupta – is a life-long marketing consultant from a small city (Gurgaon, Haryana) in India.

The group is a member of the high-profile Poynter network called the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), though a two separate audits of its membership reveal concerns about non-partisanship, transparency, and the organization’s finances with a particular focus on a grant from the U.S.-based search engine Google: more here

12 Comments on A Handful of Small-Town Indians With No Experience in Journalism Are Your Fact Checkers

  1. When i saw “Indians”, I thought Sioux or Navajo or a casino was bracing out.. I think Bangladeshi in the headline would be more appropriate. These truth-seekers are not Indians.

    Besides, Bangladesh is really East Pakistan, a Muslim enclave made autonomous with independence from Britain.

  2. That doesn’t surprise me at all. When you call Customer Service and hear that foriegn voice, hang up and get your money back. Don’t believe anything coming from CNN.

  3. When you call a companies service center a girl answers in a high pitched sing song voice in a dialect you can’t understand, and proceeds to say her name is “Jane” or “Debbie”. Sure it is. In training they’re told to choose an American sounding name. Do they really think we’re that stupid.

  4. Dry Gulched,
    Speaking of “Do they really think we’re that stupid?”, observe the three “work at home” posts below yours, from Ben Neviss, Anonymous, and EVA.
    I have yet to see a thumbs up on any of them.

  5. “… a Handful of Indians With No Experience in Journalism.”

    so, what’s the problem? … no difference between them & any others posing as ‘Journalists’

  6. The idea of drugging the masses to make them more compliant to the ruler’s dictates is I believe the reason pot is being legalized. Stoned folk just want to get stoned and enjoy something interesting, good music and some tasty food. Compliance, no big deal if I’m free to get high.


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