Tulsi Gabbard Slams Biden. Again. – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard Slams Biden. Again.

Trending Politics: Tulsi Gabbard might have been a liberal Democrat during her time in office, supporting such leftist policies as abortion access. However, unlike many in her party, she’s not completely insane.

In fact, perhaps because of her time in uniform, she has a far better grasp of foreign policy than many others in Congress and actually understands what’s going on in the world and what our realistic foreign policy objectives should be.

For example, whereas others on the right and left were discussing invading Syria and even fighting Russia to oust Assad, Tulsi kept a level head and continually emphasized how bad of an idea that was.

Now, she’s speaking truth to the idiotic powers that be yet again, this time standing up to Biden and his disgraceful weakness. Watch her here:

26 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard Slams Biden. Again.

  1. I’ve got room in my dumpster for every career politician you’re ready to deal with appropriately.

    Who needs more smoke blown up their ass??

  2. She’s making a concerted effort to be front and center of late. While not totally relevant in this instance I will quote Dennis Miller.

    “Beware the prophet seeking profit.”

    She’s a leopard and she can’t change her spots.

  3. Regardless of her political calculus, she’s not shaming herself (a la Pelosi) by babbling about what a great statesman the Filthy Treasonous Usurping Pedophile Joey is.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I just love this girl, guess who?
    Tusli, but I don’t know exactly what I want, republican, democrat, independent? Heck with it, I’ll be all 3, then everyone will love me.

  5. Seem to recall that Tulsi Gabbard was a Bernie Sanders supporter at one time. She was too sensible to get any traction and enough votes during her last outing, now Tulsi is on Tucker Carlson every week. What the Hell, Donald Trump used to like both of the Clintons. Supposedly.

  6. A Dim bashing their party leader doesn’t impress me. Heck, Trump had those in his realm and they let him know upfront the3y didn’t like him…McCain, Romney, and the like. Tusli is gaming for a position in the new Repug WH. Some of us weren’t happy at the end with what Trump was doing with the jab. He hasn’t backed down either. Watch the Dims try to stop the midterms from happening. They’re scared %hitless.

  7. Yes, Tulsi is a super Bernie Bro, in fact spent a lot of effort supporting his 2016 election.
    I will take and appreciate anything good that is said by anyone. Even 0bama (who has said many good things but nearly always acted the opposite). And I don’t trust anyone completely.

  8. One more thing. Trump says he trusts his intuition when dealing with his business and his personal life. Recall him not attending daily briefings, he was above that and his intuition. Well, looks like Trump got more than he bargained for chumming up to the Clintons. Hillary buried Trump with the Russian collusion BS. Didn’t Trump see that backstabbing coming? I shake my head at the stupidity of trusting others. I have instilled in my children – do not trust until you verify, and no way to verify “golden showers.”

  9. She is a leftist. Just because she sees Joey as a drag on the agenda and an idiot does not change that.
    I do like that she is speaking out, but I cannot help thinking that it is because the pResident could cause a backslide on her agenda.

  10. It looks like everyone here really has her number.

    Reading her Wiki page you quickly realize that if was president many of the current policies would not be much different.

    Anti-war/interventionist does not jive well with Anti-pipelines. Wars are fought over resources more than anything else

    She Supports “Green New Deal” like AOC the Retard of the House.

    And Bernie would be the definition of Government Overreach.

    So, use her for now but remember to ditch her .

  11. She, like Trudeau, the spawn of Soros and Rothschild and Crenshaw, are members of Reichsfurher Schwab’s WEF Young Global Leaders of the Future. She’s a snake. If she had the power she’d do exactly what Trudeau did.

  12. She is a life long democrat, Syria’s Assad sympathizer, gun control advocate, pushed universal healthcare/big gov policies, repeatedly attacked Republicans, called Trump all sorts of names in public, on social media, opposed destroying Syria’s chemical weapons, and endorsed Bernie Sanders in 2016.
    Just because she does not like Hillary, Kamala, and managed to criticize Joe Biden, apparently that is enough for some to allow her into CPAC, and some even consider her as a Republican now.
    Never play with a snake, you’ll get bitten.


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