COVexit – IOTW Report


In case you missed it, March 1st has been declared as the unofficial end date for COVID-19 as a political weapon.

CTH: Domestically, the political leftists, who weaponized science for their totalitarian control, have decided it is time to head for the exits.  We are now supposed to ignore the last two years of brutal impact they inflicted on society.  You can always spot the shift by looking at how Hollywood and pop culture are triggered by the messaging from the political crew.

Once given the nod, there’s a silent move toward the exits while everyone is distracted.  Of course, the exit strategy is always frustrating for those who have watched this play out. more

24 Comments on COVexit

  1. Yass!

    Now I can go back to being proud to be ruled by people that spent the last few years licking their Constitution window clings. When they’re not handing me over to the loyal Bolshevik “opposition”.

    Those heroes! Heroes, all!

  2. You will know Covid is completely over when all of the politicians, celebrities and other elites who were caught without masks when they were supposed to be wearing them or, even worse, forced everyone to wear them, will be lauded as trendsetting iconoclasts who were courageously ahead of the curve. And they’ll all be tooting their own horns on Twitter.

    Fauci will probably have that classic photo of him going maskless at the ballgame blown up to poster size and hung over his desk, like he was at the lunch counter in Greensboro.

    Tell me how I’m wrong.

  3. It’s just a reprieve for the upcoming state of the union and mid-terms. They need the optics of success.

    “You can take a break from the masks,” but break-times are eventually over.

  4. Well, crap …

    We’ll be getting our lives back, but not because we took them back: because the ones who took them away in the first place have decided it’s no longer advantageous to withhold them from us.

    The ones who took them away won’t pay for their tyranny now: they’re the ones returning us to normalcy. Any attempt at righteous retribution will now be seen as political hatred.

    And now they know roughly how long they can get away with it next time, because we have shown them exactly how long we will tolerance it.

  5. Just watched that SNL skit – you know, I really HATE those people. (all liberal asshole, brain-dead traitors). They have put us through hell and are still putting us through hell, and they are laughing about it ??

    Never Forgive and Never Forget. Covid was a planned genocide. It killed millions of people – not just their bodies, but their dreams.

  6. @Anonymous February 28, 2022 at 12:52 pm

    > It’s a lot more sinister. Read this:
    > The Party of Chaos Blows Its Cover:

    It’s not “sinister”, at all. Not even sad. Unless you expected more from hoi polloi?

    In the awakening underway here and now, Americans will see how so many of the ills and derangements of recent years are products of our own Deep State aligned with a perfidious party of the Left and other global actors. We have harmed ourselves terribly and can’t seem to stop — and we must stop it, beginning with calling off the Covid-19 “vaccine” crusade. That will come any day, I predict, and then the people who brought all of this grief on are going to have to answer for it.

    Americans (by and large — because all “conservatives”, “trads”, “defenders of ‘Western’ civilization”, and on) worship the demi-gods that ordered “the Left and other global actors” to attack them. This — the current — “Left” might be paid (handsomely) to stand down. So the — “newer, betterer” — “Left”, can be seated. On the thrones set up by those worshiped by “not the Left”.

    But those that own the thrones, will never — even — be called out. Those — the holy of holies — worshiped by “not the Left”. Worshiping those that so use them, is who they are.

  7. @TN Tuxedo February 28, 2022 at 3:15 pm

    > Any attempt at righteous retribution will now be seen as political hatred.

    Because it would be. If you agree to the “rules” (subject to change — without notice) of the perpetrators.

  8. @Carlos the Jackal February 28, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    > It was all to get rid of Trump

    Then why was a 17d chess player, like Trump, all onboard? Is still onboard? Bragging to be loading “his” followers onboard?

    > & punish everyone for electing him, whether they voted for him or not

    “Punishment” comes after a mis-behavior. “Prophylactic” is probably the word. Attacks before things get “exciting”.

    > Convince me otherwise

    Why? Illionaires gonna ill. Doesn’t matter what you think. Only what you do.

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