Free To Choose – IOTW Report

Free To Choose

1980 – Vol. 01 The Power of the Market.

America’s freedom and prosperity derive from the combination of the idea of human liberty in America’s Declaration of Independence with the idea of economic freedom in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations.

Friedman explains how markets and voluntary exchange organize activity and enable people to improve their lives.
He also explains the price system.

Friedman visits Hong Kong, U.S. and Scotland. Discussion participants: Robert McKenzie, Moderator; Michael Harrington, Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee; Milton Friedman; Russell Peterson, Governor of Delaware, 1969-1973; Robert Galvin, Chairman, Motorola, Inc.; Congressman Barber B. Conable, Jr., Ways and Means Committee, U.S. Congress.

h/t ToreSaysShow

18 Comments on Free To Choose

  1. IMHO Milt was the greatest and best economist of the last 150 years. I have some background for this; one of my sheepskins is an Econ degree. Ronny, also degree in Econ, tried to implement what Dr. Friedman advocated. Ronny had some success. GWB pretended to like Milt; BUT DID THE VERY THINGS MILT SAID WERE BAD! And working Americans have suffered decades for GWB’s “Nanny State” Big Brother!

    Biased i am.

  2. I wonder if those easily triggered by this or any other site’s choice of extraneous income, ever proffer donation?
    I for one use to, back in the TRUMP days, but am unable to since the installation of mush brain biden. I’m barely gettin’ by now.
    Newsmax is not without fault, but it ain’t cnn. What are we, perpetually offended just like sjw pussies?

  3. I find easy to ignore that little newsmax video box while reading the informative posts here and browse with the sound off on my pc anyway.
    Brave browser blocks everything else.
    Cut the whining, you know this is the best site out there. It’s been my 1st stop for 15 years or so.

  4. Another “ditto Bongo” here.

    I wasn’t aware of the Newsmax thing here because I keep my browser locked down tight when it comes to running 3rd party scripts. I don’t see any ads and make up for that by making direct donations. I do this for several other sites I visit a lot because I sure am tired of toenail fungus and abdominal fat.

    Friedman was indeed one of the great 20th century economists, right behind Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard.

  5. You know that I love all you guys, but please understand that this site will fold without $$. You must know that it costs $$ to run this site and things are pretty tight. I understand about the shrinking dollar and how hard things are. I’ve been barely scrapping by this last year, too.

    But if you think that Fur is bringing in ads to make himself rich, maybe you should go. You don’t know the dedication that he has brought to keeping this site up and free for all of you.

    Sorry, Fur. I can’t stand by without defending you. You can delete this comment if you want, but I sure hope you readers understand what I’m saying.

    Bongo is right. Put your money where your mouth is.

  6. What in hell is wrong with Newsmax? Newsmax did not call the November 2020 election for Biden, with only 3% of the votes counted, like Fox News did.
    Listen carefully to what Fox News DOES NOT SAY (even after 13 months of the idiot pretender) — they never admit that the 2020 election was stolen.

    If Conservatives always have to pass a purist test, then you become an irrelevant small fringe group.


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