Masks Still Required for Air Travel Despite CDC’s Guidance Change – IOTW Report

Masks Still Required for Air Travel Despite CDC’s Guidance Change

Epoch Times:

A federal mask mandate for airline passengers will remain intact despite a rule issued Feb. 25 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ease mask guidance in other settings.

The mask mandate for airline passengers and airports, issued by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), remains in effect until at least March 18, when it expires. The mandate could still be extended.

“The mask requirement remains in place, and we will continue to assess the duration of the requirement in consultation with CDC,” TSA spokeswoman Alexa Lopez told news outlets on Feb. 25.

The TSA mandate was announced in January 2021 in the early days of the Biden administration, although U.S. airlines have been required to mandate that passengers wear masks since 2020. more

Learn about masks from an industrial hygienist.
Yes. The masks used by all the COVID ‘Karens’ are pretty much bullshit.

23 Comments on Masks Still Required for Air Travel Despite CDC’s Guidance Change

  1. Masks in general are admittedly stupid even by the CDC itself, but EXTRA stupid on an airplane or other public transportation.

    I just flew back from Montana including a 3 hour 45 minute punishment leg from SLC to CVG in seat space you couldn’t fit a pet in on a plane apparently stuck in low gear as the center seat “swimmer” passenger in a glorifed bus with my knees under my chin the whole time, so I had plenty of time to reflect on the creepy XXX medical fetish thing we all were forced to have splayed all over our faces the whole time, particularly regarding this:

    …when this COVID lie started, one thing they said a lot was that doctors and nurses had to be TRAINED to wear a mask properly because of changed how you did normal things.

    That was when they DIDN’T want us wearing masks.

    One of these things they need to learn is about sneezing or coughing. If you’re dealing with a patient, particularly with an open wound and you sneeze, you do NOT turn your head, but rather you FACED THE PATIENT DIRECTLY.



    …so, if I’m sitting center seat in this highflown cattle car and I sneeze while wearing a mask, guess where the sneeze goes?

    Aisle seat…Window seat…I’m looking at YOUSE, kids!

    …so very, very stupid.

    So stupid that it proves this was NEVER about a VIRUS, and it never WILL be.

    I suspect our betters want to keep air travel as unpleasant as possible, and exert as much control over it as possible.

    Communist control works best if the pawns stay where their masters put them.

    That’s why they want to get rid of cars, too.

    …don’t want peasants showing up in Martha’s Vineyard, after all…

  2. About 1 week ago: (Aprox Feb 18th i think)

    My Daughter informed me that at Queens University in Ontario, Classes that were back to in person learning would no longer accept basic masks. They were required to wear upgraded N-95 masks from Feb 28th, which the school would be providing.

    Most restrictions are to be eliminated By March 1st. 1 day Later.

    Masks are still around in classes until Mar 15/2022.


  3. Sneezing!

    I have allergies and can’t tell you how many times I have been inside, on a job, forced to wear a mask and I sneeze.

    Fucking snot flies up to my face & out my sides and everybody is staring at you with snot all over your glasses and hair. (not bald at all)

  4. I was at my daughters NCAA Champion track meet in Chicago over the weekend with hundreds of other parents. City of Chicago owned indoor field. Even though vax cards and masks were “required” and restaurants and hotels were forced to ask,the city didn’t ask for a card and only enforced the mask rule if you stood in the lobby. While most parents and athlete abstained from the mask ore used it as a chin guard, there was a 50ish couple religiously wearing KN95 masks. No lie, the woman would repeatedly remove her hands that were resting on the bleachers, pull down the mask and stick two fingers from each hand deep in her mouth to give a whistle for her kid’s team. Covid or not that’s nothing but gross. I tried to catch her on video -but missed it every time.

  5. Deplorable has a good point. I expect the air travel mandate to be dropped March 18, but I expect half the travelers will continue wearing them – and will be upset that the others (and the flight crew) are not.
    Of course they can stay home.

  6. All the dictates will be dropped.
    Dirty Dems who are getting rich from pharma think it will get them votes and we’ll stop noticing we are eating less beef and can’t afford to fill our gas and oil tanks.

  7. Wait…
    Do you mean to tell me that people are still flying, after the airlines have used federal hiring practices?
    Preferential hiring, based on skin color and people are getting on board?
    I didn’t think a mask was the most pressing problem.

  8. Isn’t this just hilarious? Three years ago, airlines didn’t give a rats ass who got on their planes. People with tuberculosis, whooping cough, influenza, Pneumonia, and a dozen other respiratory virus and bacterial diseases, all were welcome. Now that Corona has mutated into a disease that is 99.99 percent survivable, the airlines are all up in arms about preventing disease. Hypocritical asshats, all of them.

  9. …..I think airline passengers should wear masks because so many of them are poor and ugly.

    Oh come on. You ALL remember when people dressed up and behaved nicely on flights.

  10. To Hell with flying. It’s been a pain in the ass since that weird Nazi outfit started feeling up all the nuns and children while ignoring the ragheads.
    Bush’s bullshit, as I recall.

    Fuck em – I’ll drive.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Masks STILL required in ANY kind of Drs. office or other medical treatment facility, even physical therapy.
    The people who should know better still pushing nonsense.

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