The People’s Convoy Grows Across the Plains – IOTW Report

The People’s Convoy Grows Across the Plains

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16 Comments on The People’s Convoy Grows Across the Plains

  1. Different Tim,

    You are not the only one who has that thought. I’ve seen many comments on Twitter saying the same thing. I agree, it keeps them safe, keeps them from being targeted by the government to destroy their living, finances and lock them up like the J6 patriots, and keeps them from being used as a scapegoat to lock us down by martial law (yes, they seriously want to do that) to save us from the evil patriots.

    We’ll see.

    Anonymous March 1, 2022 at 9:57 am
    Most mandates … until the next ‘scamdemic’. You know it will happen. They got a taste of super powers and they will just want more. We all know that. We have to stop it NOW.

  2. The new habit of the ruling class elitists of deciding they can stop our God given rights and shred the Constitution needs to never happen again.
    That’s part of what this is about.

  3. Far right, very very far righters are the ONLY calling it a scamdemic!
    Donny fast tracked the vaccines, you think it’s going away because you want it to, think again, scammers & you funny. This is not mild-mannered Canada, bring it on bitches.

  4. “Far right, very very far righters …”
    For your information, and for future reference, the “right” are Monarchists.
    Got that?
    The “left” are Republicans.
    Got that?

    I know “usage is king” but, seriously, don’t you know anything? Any-fukkin-thing?
    Language is becoming meaningless with all the morons who don’t understand that “Fascism” is Italian Socialism, “Nazism” is German (National) Socialism, “Soviet Socialism” was the Russian brand of socialism, “Progressivism” is the Wilsonian brand of socialism, “Communism” is an extreme branch of Socialism embraced by Totalitarians of every bent, and … fuck … why am I wasting my time?

    If you don’t have enough sense to understand that you are being played, than you SHOULD be played! “Never give a sucker an even break!”

    Morons gotta moron.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I feel your pain,Tim. Sometimes I’ll be patient and try to explain… but what the fudge man, I can only refrain from goofin’ on knuckleheads for so long.

  6. “Far right, very very far righters are the ONLY calling it a scamdemic!”

    “ONLY”???? Only what China boy. I’m telling ya when you see shit like this it.s Chinese Bots. They’re the ones that were to malnourished to make it into the regular army. So they lock them in a room and force them to listen to 80’s hip hop and watch Fresh Prince Of Bel Air continually until they think they can speak our lingo. But like everything Chinese, it just doesn’t quite work right.

  7. From the beginning of the pandemic to the end much has changed in the realm of public perception and stance taking. Now is time to get back to normal and remind the world what normal is. Not a new normal, which isn’t normal at all. Live as the free and the brave.

  8. Not my con”job”voy, more a loservoy. They better be sure to put their masks on keep their vehicles 6′ apart. Social distancing makes it easier for towing.

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