US effectively freezes Russian central bank assets held by Americans – IOTW Report

US effectively freezes Russian central bank assets held by Americans


The U.S. said it is blocking financial transactions of Russian central bank assets, effectively freezing any of those assets held by Americans.

The freeze is effective immediately, a senior administration official said in a briefing for reporters on Monday. The official said that the U.S.’s actions are in conjunction and cooperation with the European Union, Japan, the UK, Canada, and others. This means that not only will Russia not be able to access funds in U.S. dollars, they will be unable to use dollars in the other countries turn to other banks and other currencies.

By making the move effective immediately, before markets open, the official said, Russia will be unable to move assets to avoid or mitigate the consequences.


3 Comments on US effectively freezes Russian central bank assets held by Americans

  1. Part of the maneuver-plan by NATO, global fiends, the Biden race-hater, and assorted villains whose goals is to empower themselves further by infecting Americans with their sinister money-grubbing by using the Russia-Ukraine thing as their personal platform to overpower all Americans. Similar is seen with the Trudeau Terrorist and other world lowlifes. Add: Don’t believe everything put out there by corporate media and democrat party along with their accomplices, especially regarding Russia-Ukraine. Much of it is bogus for the purposes of entrapping Americans in the same way they they did/are doing with the covid-pandemic-vaxx-boosters-passports-mandates. Major distractions done deliberately.

  2. US effectively freezes

    “Freezes”? Rhymes with “seizes”? Because Dildeau is a tyrant? And Americans will roll off the couch? Just to get “their” money? Out of “their” banks? When the app don’t work?

  3. “By making the move effective immediately, before markets open, the official said, Russia will be unable to move assets to avoid or mitigate the consequences.”
    Again, hurting those uninvolved than the target.
    Do you think Vlad & Co. didn’t anticipate slojoe’s crew doing this?
    Already been mitigated, retards.

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