Afghans Sell Their Organs to Feed Their Families – IOTW Report

Afghans Sell Their Organs to Feed Their Families

The Liberty Daily: In the weeks after the botched withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, western governments and corporate media tried to paint the “new and more gentle” Taliban as different from the brutal totalitarians they were before. Propaganda filled American televisions showing how the new leaders of Afghanistan would be more respectful of human rights. Meanwhile economic prosperity was going to grow for most Afghanis.

Fast-forward to today and many who are trapped under the Taliban have resorted to selling their kidneys just to be able to keep their families from starving. more

14 Comments on Afghans Sell Their Organs to Feed Their Families

  1. Dr. pResident Jill – Comin right up, but given the current crime rate he will most likely be predisposed to rapping, car-jacking and looting… the looting of course is nothing new to him.

  2. A bigger travesty is when I had to sell my guns in the 80’s. I’ll never get them back . Hell , china joe gave these people 80 billion dollars worth of weapons . I have no sorrow for them , china joe won’t give ME guns ,he wants to take mine away . Fuck china joe.


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