Biden Sending Secret Weapon, Kamala Harris, Back to Europe To Solve Ukraine Crisis – IOTW Report

Biden Sending Secret Weapon, Kamala Harris, Back to Europe To Solve Ukraine Crisis

CTH- Apparently, the people behind Joe Biden have spotted an opportunity to optically improve the foreign policy resume of Kamala Harris before pudding brain is removed from office. more

24 Comments on Biden Sending Secret Weapon, Kamala Harris, Back to Europe To Solve Ukraine Crisis

  1. Bubble head to the rescue.
    I’m kind of looking forward to her being sworn in as preezy.
    The entertainment value should be priceless. The media can blame Joe’s age for his mental state but what excuse could they use to cover up Kamalla’s dotard mishaps?

  2. Sincere apologies to the memory of George M. Cohan.

    “Over there, over there
    Send the word, send the word over there –
    That the Kalamitous Jamindian is coming
    The Jamindian is coming
    The drums rum-tumming
    So prepare, say a prayer
    Send the word, send the word to beware
    She’ll be over, she’s coming over
    And she won’t come back till it’s over
    Over there”

    If only it was true, that the Veep Throat won’t come back till it’s over, over there in Ukraine, because that would keep this ignoramus over there for many, many years. Hold on to your borscht ! Watch out! She’s about to explain things! Oh my Gawd, she’s screaming “Fweedom” again!

  3. That oughta really scare the bejeezus out of the Russkies, NOT! We’ve sent a buffoon on a fool’s errand to appease the commies which will end up like going over with a lead balloon. God forbid, that she and joey make things far worse and make Neville Chamberlain look like a saint and start World War 3 by their insane policies of kissing Putin’s ass. God help us, these fools sure as hell won’t. They are just as evil as Putin is and self righteous to boot which will only matters worse. But their intentions are supposedly good like all progtard fantasies to try and save the world for democracy like what Woodrow Wilson did, the biggest failure as a democrap President of the past 100 years who laid the foundations for the Bolshevik Revolution (which destroyed Russia) and Hitler’s rise to power and look where that got us. Everything the democraps ever do always end up in a massive clusterfuck. These dumbasses sure as hell haven’t learned a damned thing from the history of the 20th Century.

  4. Maybe Ukraine just needs to broadcast the most riveting of Kamalduh’s nasally, cackling speeches on a loop from loudspeakers and drive the Russians out.

  5. Putin wants his cut from the $1.8 billion in American aid that disappeared shortly after it was given to the Ukraine by Obama/Biden. He wont stop until he collects.

  6. Brilliant. Send the unwanted VP, have her killed, blame the Russians and voila! We are at war in Ukraine, and the Dems get to tearfully pick their new VP.

    After all we’ve been hearing so much about alleged assassination attempts on Zelenskyyy, and about alleged bounties by Russians on Putin. Maybe it’s all foreshadowing.

  7. The President is sending his Top. Mind. to solve the crisis. After hearing her position on the matter, there was no doubt:

    “Ukraine is a country in Europe.
    It exists next to another country called Russia.
    Russia is a bigger country.
    Russia is a powerful country.
    Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so, basically, that’s wrong.” -Vice President Kamala Harris

    Biden admitted that there is no one with a better insight to the crisis than his very own Vice President. Way to go, Mr. President!

  8. Yes, but Tony, everyone can see the superiority of Kamala’s knowledge on this particular subject, a knowledge obtained after years on her knees searching for relevant Ukrainian history on the low shelves of the Congressional Library’s basement stacks. Her brilliant theories on Ukraine (clearly illustrated above) are uncontested by both Republicans and Democrats alike! I, for one, am rooting for her to get through the many layers of political fabric masking the true edifice of this conflict while exposing the many Russian military organs that advance through precious bodily fluids of brave Ukrainian men and women alike! She alone, is perfect for the task as the President knows all too well!


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