“Not only won’t I forgive the loathsome Biden, I refuse to forgive any of those who claimed I was killing people by refusing, and criticizing, the jive jabs” – IOTW Report

“Not only won’t I forgive the loathsome Biden, I refuse to forgive any of those who claimed I was killing people by refusing, and criticizing, the jive jabs”


Mark Oshinskie:
No one takes Joe Biden seriously. He’s clearly of below average intelligence and is as dishonest as anyone you will ever meet. I assume that most of what he says, mumbles or stammers is 180 degrees from the truth.

His speechwriters may be slightly smarter but they’re equally dishonest and evil.

On Tuesday night, Biden squintily asserted that the “vaxxes” had changed the course of a virus. They didn’t. The virus is seasonal. And the infection/death numbers have been gamed. That’s all that happened.

Sadly, many Americans are gullible enough to believe the Dimwitted Delaware Dissembler.

But many aren’t. After a year of vaxx failure, the now widespread refusal to take any more shots tells you—even more clearly than his abysmal polling numbers do—that more people are finally perceiving the vaxx lies. If the Pharma-bought media would fairly report the shots’ lack of efficacy and its side effects, almost no one would inject.

This winter, I knew a dozen people who got Covid. All were vaxxed. I know many who rejected the bullshit shots, as I did. We were all fine. After all of the infections that occurred among the injected, Biden has the temerity to continue to lie that the vaxxes have stopped the spread. more

20 Comments on “Not only won’t I forgive the loathsome Biden, I refuse to forgive any of those who claimed I was killing people by refusing, and criticizing, the jive jabs”

  1. The Covid virus did what all viruses do eventually. It mutated down. It will continue to mutate downward becoming less of a threat. This virus came on like a lion and is leaving like a lamb. As far as Covid deaths are concerned the truth is that many hospitalized deaths were the direct result of giving the vaccine to people who were already deeply infected with the virus. Mismanaged healthcare absolutely killed some patients. Biden is a cowardly POS who is desperate to make a name for himself. He wants to be remembered as the next FDR which is a shared wet dream many Democrats also want to happen again. He is corrupt and ignorant with little to no redeeming qualities worthy of praise.

  2. My mistrust of the medical establishment is at an all-time high. Seeing the outright lies peddled to keep us submissive and the refusal of timely care of infected individuals makes my blood boil.

  3. I wonder if the Coronamaniacs are transitioning smoothly into Ukrainiacs. I’m getting that vaguely threatening “We’re all in this together” vibe again, with Javelins instead of jabs.

  4. “And to recommend that we should do more of what has obviously failed. And to do it to more children. Some government policy is so bad it’s almost funny. This isn’t. Kids are not at risk from this virus. Messing with their health is monstrous.”

    Yes, it is indeed monstrous, and the gov’t is not done with us yet. I predict deadlier ones coming up. If the new ones don’t kill lots more of us, the jabs will. The kids, future breeders, are on the radar for elimination. Too many people, they say, too much pollution, too much garbage, too much global warming. Global elites are in charge, and have no guilt regarding their crimes against humanity. They think they are saving humanity.
    In the meantime, Putin is called out as the most evil person on the planet. Does anyone else think the elites want us to focus our hate on a foreign leader instead of where it belongs, such as Biden and some of the other government agencies?

    This may sound like I’m wearing a tin hat. Maybe I am. If we get through the next two years without a new major new pandemic, I’ll eat my (cloth, not tin) hat.

  5. “We will have peace,” said (America) at last thickly and with an effort. Several of the (citizens) cried out gladly. (America) held up his hand. “Yes, we will have peace,” he said now in a clear voice, “we will have peace, when you and all your works have perished–and the works of your dark master to whom you would deliver us. You are a liar, (Pedo Biden), and a corrupter of men’s hearts. You hold out your hand it to me, and I perceive only a finger of the claw of (satan). Cruel and cold! Even if your war on me was just–as it was not, for were you ten times as wise you would have no right to rule me and mine for your own profit as you desired–even so, what will you say of your (injections of death) and the children that lie dead (because of them)? And they (destroyed the first amendment) before the gates of the (Capitol), after (election integrity) was dead. When you hang from a gibbet at your window for the sport of your own crows, I will have peace with you and (Denocrats). So much for the house of (Patriots). A lesser son of great sires am I, but I do not need to lick your fingers. Turn elsewhither. But I fear your voice has lost its charm.
    (Apologies to J. R. R. Tolkien)


    A simple phrase.
    A heartfelt phrase.
    A phrase many can say “Amen” to.
    A phrase I myself say, in this and in many other things.

    A phrase that is very pleasing to the devil because it separates us from God.

    As intended.

    “14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

    15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
    Matthew 6:14-15

    …see, we have all sinned against God, every single one of us, and we – all – need His forgiveness because of it.

    “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
    Romans 3:23

    …but there was this Guy named Christ who came to die for OUR forgiveness, so full of forgiveness Himself that even as He was tortured and nailed to a Tree by sinful men, He cried out “…Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do… ”
    Luke 23:34

    This is actually one of the more heinous acts of these minions of satan that currently call themselves “Democrats”, designed to separate men from God by deliberately TRYING to do the unforgivable, and thus cause other men to be unforgivable by God.

    Remember that the devil is the original legalist, perhaps the oldest lawyer, and knows Scripture better than most Christians do, and so is using this as one of his more effective snares.

    Because it works.

    I know because my leg is caught just as yours is.

    I see the snare. I know the snare. And I cannot avoid the snare of my own strength anyway. I’ve seen too much that I cannot forgive and I cannot forget of the evil of men, this being just a wider example. I struggle daily with anger, with hatred, with unforgiveness to many who well deserve it, such as child rapists, drug peddlers, murderers and tyrants, but the fact that other men may understand me does not mean that God will change His Word for me, and for that I danm myself.

    The fact that other men may understand me, even support me, only makes it worse as those are led away from the necessity of forgiveness too.

    The author of this article runs the same risk. His unforgiveness will land him in the same hell those he can’t forgive go to. Same with those who are swayed to unforgiveness by the righteous, but deadly, anger of his words.

    The only winner is the devil.

    We need not forgive. We can take names and seek just punishment.

    But our Lord says we MUST forgive as the price of our OWN forgiveness, following the example of His Son.

    And that’s the hardest part of all. No one knows it better than me. I say this to warn you, do not be like me, but be like Christ that you msy live with Christ forever and deny the devil a win.

    I pray the Lord daily that He remove the anger from my heart and replace it with forgiveness. But every day seems to bring fresh unforgivable insults. All I can do is to pray anew for ways to deal with it that don’t separate me from God.

    All I am saying, then, is that you should do so too.

    Hatred is of the devil.
    Forgiveness is from God.

    I have not the answer to avoiding this snare. That is why I commend you all to the Lord instead. Perhaps you will be able to hear the answer I cannot, but should.

    Then perhaps your praise of Him when you find it can lead others to this saving knowledge who also find it hard to forgive.

    Even me.

    Seek His Face in this. No other can serve.

    They will be punished. But, hard though it is, unforgiveness is not permitted us.

    Pray for His strength to resolve this dilemma in you.

    That’s what I do.

  7. They should all face consequences.
    Pay a heavy price. Prison, loss of income, exposure to the light.

    Forgiveness isn’t for them. It’s for our own heads so they don’t live rent free in our minds. So we can move on while they face their god or God.

  8. “I know many who rejected the bullshit shots, as I did. We were all fine.”

    Exactly. And some of us got covid and survived it. I guess those of us who refused the jab can look at ourselves in the mirror and not have to worry if we’re going to drop dead from a myriad of deadly problems from the jab. We all know there’s no recourse for injury or death. And best of all THE JAB WAS FREE! Oh the irony…

  9. I got chinky-dink flu after visiting church members at a facility where it ran rampant. Remarkably, the rinky-dink mask did NOTHING TO STOP IT. CHINKY-DINK THEN LED TO A STROKE – THANK YOU VERY LITTLE MICKEY MAUCI, & I SURVIVED IN SPITE OF THAT. Still NO jab for me, thank you very much, so 🖕😡🖕 SlowJoe & Mauci very much!!!

  10. SNS March 4, 2022 at 12:32 am

    The need to forgive others is one of God’s ways of keeping us communicating with him. I’ve been a Christian since I was 9 years old and grew up in the church. It’s only been in the last 18 months that I’ve been learning more about prayer and forgiveness.

    Prayer is not asking for things we want, although that’s part of it. Prayer is a relationship. It’s praising God for who he is, confessing our sins and need for his daily, hourly, every moment presence in our lives. Prayer is thanking God for all he’s done, in creation and our lives. And, yes, it’s bringing our supplications to him, all in his name and according to his will.

    Prayer is a relationship with the creator of everything; time and space, our savior, guide, protector, healer and friend.

    Forgiving others is, as you said so eloquently, required by God. One thing people often don’t understand is that you are not forgiving their sins (only God can do that), you are not saying that what they did was right, and you do NOT need to forget.

    What you are doing by forgiving others is taking the hurt caused you by them and giving it to God. Take the hook they have in you (body, soul and spirit) and give it to God. He will take care of the sin, evil and hurt that they caused. You no longer have to bear the hurt. Forgive as often as you need to in order to release the hurt. As you do, your relationship with God becomes closer and more trusting.

    Then, this idea of “forgive and forget” must be thrown out the window. The only thing you are forgetting is the hurt feelings. You NEVER need to forget, especially if they continue their behavior that caused your hurt. That ‘not forgetting’ will be seen in as many ways as there are people on this Earth. Some hurts you can forget as it may never recur. But the times when you must not forget are, for example: your child has been abused by someone and you must never let that person near your child again. You have a responsibility to protect your child and forgetting would be wrong.

    I made a list of all the hurtful times in my life and have been going over that list to forgive those who caused it. I’m not through the list (entirely taking the hook off myself and placing it firmly in God’s hands) and as more and more evil is unleashed in this world, the list seems to grow longer. I don’t know how I can forgive Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, and others who have caused hurt in so many people. I’m trying to forgive and fail many times as anger and frustration keep the hook firmly planted in me). But I must obey God and trust in him to have the final say in what happens to them.

    One more thing. People think that God forgets our sins, so we must forget other’s sinful behavior toward us. Several scriptures are used to ‘show’ that God forgets our sins:

    Isaiah 43:25 says, “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

    Hebrews 10:17 “then he adds, I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.”

    God’s “not remembering” isn’t forgetting. He knows everything, and he does not forget anything. He is omniscient. What he does is to never use our forgiven sins against us.

  11. It’s about time for my booster …

    … of Ivermectin (DurVet 1.87 apple.)

    Oh, a spoon full of sugar
    helps the Ivermectin go down,
    the Ivermectin go down,
    the Ivermectin go down,
    la, la la, la la la la.

    Thanks for the dosing information
    Crazy-eyed Ann Barnhardt.


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