How a candidate for Arizona governor became ensnared in one of the biggest international corruption scandals in history … and almost nobody noticed – IOTW Report

How a candidate for Arizona governor became ensnared in one of the biggest international corruption scandals in history … and almost nobody noticed

Arizona Agenda:

The Odebrecht scandal sent shockwaves through political regimes on three continents, implicated countless politicians, put billionaires and business executives in jail and led one Latin American former president to kill himself rather than submit to arrest. 

But so far, it has left Arizona Democratic gubernatorial candidate Marco Lopez unscathed.

The U.S. Department of Justice called the case against Odebrecht, a global construction giant based in Brazil, “the largest foreign bribery case in history.” 

Few Americans have likely heard of Odebrecht and its sophisticated “bribery department” that lined the pockets of powerful politicians across Latin America in exchange for lucrative building project contracts. 

That’s probably because the scandal didn’t involve any American politicians — or at least not to anyone’s knowledge.

But documents turned over to the Mexican Attorney General’s Office in its unprecedented corruption investigation show Lopez was among those who lined his pockets with Odebrecht money through his consulting work for former Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s presidential campaign in 2012. 

Those documents came from Peña Nieto’s former top campaign lieutenant, Emilio Lozoya, who was arrested in Spain last summer and is now working with Mexican investigators in the case. Last year, they were leaked to Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad (Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity), a nonprofit investigative news organization, which published the documents.


h/t Garrett Ziegler TELEGRAM

9 Comments on How a candidate for Arizona governor became ensnared in one of the biggest international corruption scandals in history … and almost nobody noticed

  1. Pointing the finger at Odebrecht is similar to the treatment VW got with their diesel emissions “scandal”. Everyone was doing it but someone had to be chosen to be punished, to be made an example of.

    In Latin America, bribery is the cost of doing business. Very few politicians or bureaucrats are immune to it and many are quite brazen in insisting on it.

    The current scandal started out because one political party wanted to destroy another, so they dragged Odebrecht’s activities out into the light. The problem is, just like with the #metoo movement, once things started, that light showed everyone with their hands full of dirty cash. It’s to the point now that any politician who has ever had an offshore account — and everyone with any kind of savings has to in order to protect it from inflation and/or confiscation — is painted as a criminal. Well, point randomly into a crowded room in Latin America and make accusations of tax evasion or other financial fraud and you are likely to be proven accurate (perhaps posthumously).

    That being said, while we are fast becoming a third world dumpster fire, we aren’t quite there yet. People like Lopez should be punished, but so should all the other scum, on both sides of the aisle. If we don’t clean house, we will be no better than any Latin American, or former Soviet, hell hole.

  2. The swamp rats are too busy trying to stop Trump, put down any thoughts of the Constitution actually meaning something, doing their best to censor and intimidate America first patriots and lining their pockets with pharma and Chinese money while trying to distract everyone with Russia/ Ukraine to look at any actual corruption.

  3. Corruption’s the name of the game.

    Obola went from a gross worth of $250,000 to $70 Million in eight years.
    Pelosi’s gross worth quadrupled when she got elected Speaker.
    The Clintons, Sanders, Schmuck Schumer, Schitt, Ryan, Kasich … yada, yada, yada …
    The panoply of lying hypocrites are stuffing their pockets while turning the country to shit – treasonously selling us out to Big Pharma, Inter-National Socialism, Globaloney-ism, Green-ism, Big Oil, China, and the ragheads. And they’re not even trying to hide it – they KNOW we’re a nation of sheep.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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