Be skeptical about media coverage of Ukraine – IOTW Report

Be skeptical about media coverage of Ukraine

For every bit of information we receive from any of the media, including social media, we have to have a healthy amount of skepticism but an open mind while we hope for peace.

American Thinker:
By Rajan Laad

If you have been monitoring the coverage of the conflict in Ukraine, it is amply clear that a narrative is being pushed.

President Volodymyr Zelensky is being compared to Winston Churchill during World War II; he is leading his people during perilous times to become an inspiring figure.  He refused a safe passage offer from the U.S. with the quip: “I need ammunition, not a ride.”  He streams videos from the deserted streets of Ukraine and posts photos with his Cabinet.  Photos of Zelensky surface in military gear on the battlefront.  To sum it up, Zelensky is being portrayed as Churchill, Rambo, and a social media influencer all rolled into one. 

Not to be left behind, a former Miss Ukraine and the first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelensky, reportedly joined the army.  There are teary moments of Ukrainian soldiers bidding farewell to their families and children in the streets waving at them as they depart for war.  There were photos of Russian soldiers holding Ukrainian girls as hostages.  We see harrowing footage of injured Ukrainian children, slain Ukrainian soldiers, and explosions.  We see courage as a brave Ukrainian child stands up to a Russian soldier, almost ordering him to leave her country.

It is all so poignant and inspiring until you fact-check the images.

The photos of Zelensky in military gear were from February 11, 2021, and April 9, 2021.  The photo of the Russian soldier holding Ukrainian girls at gunpoint was a 2005 photo from the West Bank.  Neither the first lady of Ukraine nor the former Miss Ukraine is joining the armed forces.  The teary farewell of Ukrainian soldiers amid the invasion was actually a photo of the happy homecoming moment of U.S. Marines.  Ukrainian children sent off to the army for war with Russia was an old image from 2016.  Then there is a video that shows a young Ukrainian girl standing up to a Russian soldier — which is, in fact, a video shot in 2012 in the West Bank.  A video from Syria was falsely shared as a Russian attack on Ukraine.  A heartbreaking photo of an injured child from the Syrian war was shared as the victim of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  A poignant moment from the movie was shared as scenes from battle-torn Ukraine

Such instances are numerous, and all show the Ukrainian side in a good light, which makes it clear who the creators are. more here

21 Comments on Be skeptical about media coverage of Ukraine

  1. Wait wait wait…… so you’re implying the same people who gaslit us about the election….and covid…..may not be telling the truth now?

    I may need smelling salts.

  2. “we have to have a healthy amount of skepticism but an open mind”




  3. Yesterday, I witnessed a freight train headed into the port town of Beaumont, Texas. It was an unusually long train filled to the gills with US military equipment of all kinds. Beaumont is one of the most important ports used by the military to ship military equipment overseas. It has special docks that accommodate RORO (roll-on roll-off) ships that the Navy leases full time for that purpose. Each ship can carry an incredible amount of equipment from tanks to Humvees. Two of the ships are always docked at Beaumont ready at a moment’s notice when the US military needs them. Most of the US military equipment sent to fight in Desert Storm and other places in the Mid-East left from Beaumont. Most of the equipment is coming from Fort Hood in central Texas. I’ll drive to the port tomorrow and see what’s going on. I’ll bet they are loading those ships as I’m writing this.

  4. Everything I need to know regarding supporting one side or the other I already know just by the simple fact that government, the media, Big Tech and academia are in lockstep. It ain’t my fucking circus and those ain’t my Goddamned monkeys. In other words, it doesn’t concern me.

  5. I realized that our msm coverage of this conflict/war seemed to be missing context and was slanted…..I went looking for information from the Russian side and found……

    Which lead to…….(and then branched off)…….

    Which complemented my last year’s following of……

    Enjoy it’s a deep and enlightening “rabbit hole.”

  6. “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”

    ― Thomas Jefferson

    It’s a safe bet that Jefferson would have included TV had it been invented.

  7. “The only story worth watching is footage of Putin’s assassination squad at work in D.C.

    Go get ’em, Vladdy!”

    Why would Putin want to kill his allies? His partners in crime, so to speak?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. If it concerns big tech, any government, media or hollywood it is not to be trusted. Forces are at work to twist our minds to their will and they’ll use any means necessary.

  9. I have been skeptical of FAKE NEWS since 1950. The LSM has repeatedly, time after time after time, justified my skepticism for 72 years. If they go one year without telling anti American lies; i may “reset”. But they hate Americans so much they can not help telling lies. Classic case in point current in court. Sara encouraged mass murders by the INFAMOUS NYTimes (imho).

  10. “A video from Syria was falsely shared as a Russian attack on Ukraine. A heartbreaking photo of an injured child from the Syrian war was shared as the victim of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. A poignant moment from the movie was shared as scenes from battle-torn Ukraine”
    Sounds like an American movie not long ago, something about a tail wagging…

  11. Looks like those energy prices are skyrocketing like Barky wanted.
    At the job site yesterday I heard two plumbers talking to each other about the conflict and how it would be worth it to for fuel to be another dollar a gallon if we can cut the Russians off. People would just have to manage somehow.
    That would make it $6 a gallon for diesel where I’m at.
    I was wondering where that’s going to leave people that are barely getting by whether they’re going to buy food or just fuel to get to work? Meanwhile those plumbers are raking in 60+ bucks an hour with a company fuel card and truck.


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