The People’s Convoy Update – IOTW Report

The People’s Convoy Update

‘The People’s Convoy Heading Towards the DC Beltway?’
That and more videos at THIS LINK.

22 Comments on The People’s Convoy Update

  1. I went to an overpass in Clarksburg yesterday. I was disappointed the convoy didn’t move to DC, but I met some nice people who joined me on the overpass and waved flags and waved to the trucks and cars who passed under us. Many honked and waved.
    A few gave us the middle finger. I don’t understand why someone would give the finger to our national symbol…

  2. …ok, let’s review.

    MAGA hats? Check.

    Kneepads? Check.

    Confederate Flags? Check.

    Police told to wave the truckers into DC? Check.

    Agents posing as truckers? Check.

    Sniper to take out the Pedo now that we’re done with him? Check.

    Random crazy guy we’ll kill so we can put the rifle in his hand to call it a suicide? Check.

    Facebook contacted to change crazy guy’s social media to be pro-Trump? Check.

    Cameras disabled in building where crazy guy will be? Check.

    ATF ready to start national gun confiscation as soon as President Harris declares Martial Law? Check.

    Prisons cleared of rapist, robbers, and murderers to make room for truckers? Check.

    Truck filled with explosives for us to “find” and “disarm” in the nick of time inside a “My Pillow” trailer? Check.

    Media told to not video any footage when we beat truckers? Check.

    Army ready with anti-tank weapons and M16s issued to verified Democrat troops? Check.

    …ok, tell the police to start waving them in. Operation Hundred Flowers is a “go”…

  3. It’s not only diesel that’s over $4 a gallon, I saw gas price in Spokane over $4 yesterday and some at $4.10 to $4.20 a gal. I am pissed beyond belief at this, we have all the oil, natural gas and other petro resources available in this country and we can’t use them because of the green weenie policies of joey etc. because of globull warming. Meanwhile we’re buying oil from Russia, Iran and joey is even thinking of buying it from Venezuela. This is madness, stop it now before no one afford to drive their cars or buy groceries because of the huge spike in energy prices. Even my groceries are costing me much more now and it pisses me off even more because I have to wisely choose what I can afford and can not afford to buy at the grocery store now. FJB/LGB! I hate the democraps, as well as RINO’s, the lamestream media, hollyweird and all the braindead purveyors of evil that are trying their damndest to destroy this country. God is our only hope, it sure as hell isn’t man.

  4. Have you heard that Putin has reestablished the gold standard?!
    His demand to be paid in GOLD for Energy from Russia is a direct bombing of the US Dollar printing thieves’ den.

    Watch biden/Pelousy/Lindsie/Schiftz/Schmuckles/Cheney and every other dumbass criminal to openly call for assassination of Putin!
    They fantasize it will be as easy as killing Khadafy and Saddam Husein. And the world will be reverted to the Stone Age.

  5. I’m tracking on a traffic web site. At 1PM they have headed counterclockwise around the beltway, taking what is called the “outer loop”. The lead trucks must be crossing into Virginia already as the beltway is backed up from there all the way back to where 270 merges on (where they are coming from). The beltway continues to backup all the way to Bethesda, proving they can have a significant impact on traffic. brandon better be paying attention…Monday could be a traffic disaster if they repeat.

  6. I’m surprised and happy they got to DC. I thought the police and military would try to blow them off the interstate somewhere west of the Mississippi.

    But the story is not over yet.

  7. @Johnny
    Thanks for the link. The cameras are operating now.
    I see a bunch of flag carrying trucks and cars on the NW section of the outer loop between Old Georgetown Rd and the southbound 270 merge. That means they have completed their first lap and are starting their second.

  8. Burner
    MARCH 6, 2022 AT 2:11 PM
    “Sunday drive…
    Be imprisoned tomorrow if they try again.
    Because some ‘journalist’ won’t be able to get *UNDER PEDO’S* desk at the WH.”

  9. They’re going to lap around DC seven times, then after the seventh lap they will all blast their horns at once.

    Truckers fit de Battle of Washington,
    Washington, Washington.
    Truckers fit de Battle of Washington
    And the dome come tumbling’ down.


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