Biden’s Dark Deal With The Far Left – IOTW Report

Biden’s Dark Deal With The Far Left

Guest: Victor Davis Hanson | Ep 576

Today we’re talking to Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, who’s going to help us break down the breakdown of the United States, as well as what’s going on in Ukraine. Hanson pulls back the curtain on the theater being put on by the Biden administration, revealing the roles that people like Kamala Harris are expected to play.

The Democrat Party is bracing for huge losses in the midterm elections, and the Faustian bargain they made with the far Left to get Joe Biden into power is falling apart as he abandons the things that were promised to leftist groups like Black Lives Matter. We also discuss the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and how conservatives should be looking at the situation. – Allie Beth Stuckey

13 Comments on Biden’s Dark Deal With The Far Left

  1. Biden has no choice: he’s being blackmailed. But then, he does have a choice: come clean. But we know he’s a treasonous scumbag, more concerned with his own ass than our nation. Biden is the kind of soldier who’d cut and run during battle – alongside Obama.

  2. I’m not one to make predictions because they don’t come true, but I have a feeling “Walk back” Joe doesn’t make it out of this term alive. He may pull a Hitler and Kamila pulls an Eve Braun ,that would leave Nancy to trip and fall into her ice cream freezer. Problem solved!

  3. @Anonymous March 6, 2022 at 11:32 pm

    > Biden has no choice: he’s being blackmailed.

    Because illionaire grifters must, be definition, be retarded?

    Why would you hire some-, any-, -body… that you think might try to harm your grift? Why would you promote them, after you’ve thrown them “a test”? And they’ve proven you can’t trust them? To support the grift?

    People are offered Party membership, at ALL levels… even the interns… because they are corrupt. Already. They are promoted according to how corrupt. How corrupt they PROVE themselves to be.

    If they swore absolute allegiance to Satan (Moloch, Baal, The “Rules” Based Western World Order), to be allowed in the lobby… they don’t need to be “blackmailed” to earn entrance to the basement.

  4. Joe Biden is definitely not a master chess player and doesn’t possess the wherewithal nor the manhood to effectively manipulate and coherse anyone or anything. The global deep-state cabal who wind his go-fer key have easily maneuvered every alleyway deal with those who pretend to be in the light while Biden laughs maniacally at Americans.

  5. Why are all the fellows at the Hoover Institute “Senior Fellows”? I’ve never once read about a “Junior Fellow” or even a plain “Fellow” from there.

  6. Joe’s only goal in becoming president was to become president. Something he has, as a carrier politician daydreamed about most of his life. He’s a carrier dreamer too, now unable to remember what was a dream and what is truth. So it’s all and ever will be about Joe Biden. I’m afraid he has other dreams also, maybe about toppling the Russian empire or becoming the greatest global ruler the world has ever seen. And that his dreams will affect his actions to cause more suffering upon humanity. If he gets the chance to screw up the USA for four years hopefully people here will wake up and vote him out. But if he screws up the world it will end much worse.

  7. Biden has already screwed up the world. It will only get worse before it gets much worse. Anyone who expects anything to improve while this evil clown act is in office is lying to themselves. Both he and Kamala are simpletons. The hard left used intentional deception to manipulate the election process. Biden was not elected legitimately nor by majority. This regime is a fraud. America is without duly elected leadership because of the intentional tampering of multiple elements in the election process. No amount of wishful thinking is going to save our republic if we don’t acknowledge the crime that has taken place and if we don’t take steps to correct it.

  8. Nothing is funnier than the main stream media. I read an article that said Biden’s approval rating in the polls has increased lately. The majority of Amerikans think our dear leader has done well dealing with the war in Ukraine and the covid “crisis”. No, there is no deep state and the media is definitely not involved. The tree of liberty needs refreshed NOW !

  9. @Not me March 7, 2022 at 8:34 am

    > he has other dreams also, maybe about toppling the Russian empire

    Those dreams are put in his head. Just like the words he utters. By the same people. Just next to him.

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