Oil Futures Pass $130 Barrel Threshold Against Possibility of Russian Oil Ban – IOTW Report

Oil Futures Pass $130 Barrel Threshold Against Possibility of Russian Oil Ban

CTH: This is not good for working class Americans, not good at all.  With gas prices already jumping, oil futures have now eclipsed a 15-year high and the outlook does not look good. more

22 Comments on Oil Futures Pass $130 Barrel Threshold Against Possibility of Russian Oil Ban

  1. Well like everything else, oil can only go so high before Americans conserve and it will drop like a rock. It has happened before. In addition, many of us have 2 years of experience working from home. If businesses are smart they will ask their employees to work from home where it can be done, of course. I do recall the oil consumption dropped during the first few months of the COVID lockdown. Oil selling thugs want to sell oil, not drink it. On the other hand, all Biden has to do is say is that work on the XL pipeline is back on and the markets would respond positively. But Biden is a stooge.

  2. Don’t worry when gas goes up another buck or two the government will be there to help you. Of course this would involve the United States going deeper into debt and you getting screwed because you don’t qualify.

  3. Saw this spike in oil prices yesterday and went to fill up after work. Paid 3.98 a gallon. Was kinda shocked; I haven’t been to the gas station too much as I work from home 6 days a week and rarely need to leave the house. Glad I bought the Honda Accord a couple years ago.

  4. The democRAT Motto:
    “Wherever there’s wrong-doing, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s injustice, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s corruption, We’ll be there!”
    “And wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up
    on a little guy, we’ll be there too…
    helping to hold the little guy down!

    Anything to Weaken America!
    Anything to Screw-Over Americans!
    Anything to Destroy America!

  5. Anybody who thinks this is accidental and coincidental has got a few screws loose!
    It is virtually impossible to have this many things happen and call it unintentional.
    This is by design.

  6. @Dry gulched March 7, 2022 at 10:05 am

    > It’s the sundown of the middle class.

    Awww. That’s a shame.

    (If the underbrush doesn’t want to be cleared, best to stop keeping the axemen from their job.)

  7. These idiots will ban russian imports only to have russia sell to another country who we will import it from at a higher cost. And the idiots will say it was mission accomplished.

    We’d be lucky if that happens. Psaki already revealed the real goal: Reduce our “dependence” on oil and gas. In other words, oil is not so much a necessity and they’re going to prove that by pricing average consumers out of the market.

    These idiots hate us.

  8. Paid 4.00 a gallon yesterday, was livid never in my entire life have I paid that much for a gallon of gas. Was livid! 🤬

    Will there be outrage? 🤔
    Probably not

    President Trump we miss you and you’re tweets. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. “It’s the sundown of the middle class.”

    Nope – it’s the sundown of western civilization.
    Our disinterest and apathy have doomed us.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. It’s not just gas. Plastics, Delrin, Nylon, etc have doubled. Anything shipped uses oil, either gas or diesel. I think we are watching the Democrat party slit it’s own wrists. Hopefully they remember to make the cuts lengthwise.

  11. Brad – That’s why I question if we will even make it to the election.
    These bastards rigged an election to seize power. Do you really think they’re going to let another (silly) election get in their way? Dollars to donuts sez they have a nuther big “crisis” brewing in the wings! They’re just waiting for the right time to turn the chimps loose!

  12. TRF

    That’s one possible out come. However I do think they are afraid of us. I wonder if things get bad enough is there some one out there that can call an end to this coup. We still basically have three years left of this circus. Things are going to get much worse. At this point in time it’s becoming more and more obvious that what they’ve done to the country is by design.

  13. What they’ve done to the country is absolutely by design, to get the United States out of the way.
    Who’s way?
    China and Russia, but mostly China. They are the ones who have purchased our politicians and “news” Media as well as exerting control over Social Media. In doing so it has been the lead up to what basically amounts to a hostile takeover with the rigged election, and now that they’re in the middle of it there is no turning back.

  14. TRF

    I’m right there with you. I just think it’s going to unfold like they think. The anger is building. I read where some ex FBI guy is running for office as a conservative and has come out and announced the the FBI and the DOJ are literally enforcement arms of the coup. They need more soldiers. They’re real light,


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