Russian banks rush to switch to Chinese card system – IOTW Report

Russian banks rush to switch to Chinese card system

March 6 (Reuters) – Several Russian banks said on Sunday they would soon start issuing cards using the Chinese UnionPay card operator’s system coupled with Russia’s own Mir network, after Visa and MasterCard said they were suspending operations in Russia.

Announcements regarding the switch to UnionPay came on Sunday from Sberbank (SBER.MM), Russia’s biggest lender, as well as Alfa Bank and Tinkoff.

9 Comments on Russian banks rush to switch to Chinese card system

  1. I wonder if Xi and Putin have active agents within the U.S. govt/corp establishment who know the plan and are consciously working on it for them, or if the two of them are simply counting on pure stupidity here? I suspect it’s a little of the former but much more the latter.

  2. “Can’t stop the signal, Mal” (or the money)

    “Life always finds a way”

  3. By the way, I have an update on the train full of US military equipment I saw on Friday. I went to the Port of Beaumont, Texas, today, and just as I thought, there are acres and acres of military equipment being loaded onto the transport ships. The Cape Trinity and Cape Texas have been joined by at least one other RO/RO ship and loading operations are underway. I got to within thirty yards of much of the equipment as it sat in fenced staging areas at the port. Much of it looks like well used equipment. Everything we give away will have to be replaced by companies that people like Liz Chaney are connected with. No wonder that bitch wants war.

  4. @Toenex March 7, 2022 at 9:44 am

    > Nobody’s money is safe in a bank anywhere.

    Fake (not “fake”) money, not being a “store of wealth”?

    Why… that’s… that’smadness!


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