Twenty Two Below – IOTW Report

Twenty Two Below

The latest figures include 23% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 45% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22.

21 Comments on Twenty Two Below

  1. The lying media continues to omit the damn decimal point. 2.3% strongly approve. Since polls are designed to aid Democrats that number is probably exaggerated.

  2. I fear that paying $7 for gas may be the good old days. A story you tell your genetically engineered great grand children one day as they roll their semi-bionic eyes.

  3. Reading poll numbers about Biden is interesting but just what does it translate to in the real world? Anyone think Klaus, Soros, Gates and the rest are going to put a different chip into Biden that changes his methodology? Ain’t gonna happen.

  4. “Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel.”

    Yeah? How do you identify a “demographically diverse panel” from randomly selected “participants” online? Ask age, financial status, sex, “gender,” political affiliation, religion, education level, &c.?
    And they put up with this invasiveness because they desire to be part of the poll? Isn’t that, alone, suspect?

    I have no problem with any poll suggesting that the filthy Usurping Pedophile (appointed presidunce after a stolen “election”) Joey Biden’s approval rating is under water (so to speak) but all polls are suspect.
    And the suggestion that 23% STRONGLY APPROVE of inflation, oppression, genocide, Nazi-like government, torture of political opponents, imprisonment of dissidents, riots, violence, gas price rises, food shortages, and potential nuclear conflict is patently absurd.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I actually do believe there is a percentage of our population that want to see the United States as we knew it, destroyed, and a “socialist utopia “ replace it. So yeah, Joe might indeed have a 23% approval rating.

  6. I actually do believe there is a percentage of our population that want to see the United States as we knew it, destroyed, and a “socialist utopia “ replace it. So yeah, Joe might indeed have a 23% approval rating.

  7. I know in Portland OR where I have to work sometimes there are people there that have sold their cars and walk or take a electric scooter to where they want to go..Hey did you know the bums get to ride the scooters five times a day for free? They don’t really care about the price of gas. They are not deep thinkers. All energy costs drive up the cost of everything else including housing and your wages will never be able to keep up. This is where reality meets Mr Toad’s Wild Ride, hang on boys and girls. Don’t know if they can convince themselves it’s Trump’s fault, we will see.


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