Likely DeSantis Opponent Nikki Fried: ‘I Talk Slow’ To Hispanics So They’ll Vote For Me – IOTW Report

Likely DeSantis Opponent Nikki Fried: ‘I Talk Slow’ To Hispanics So They’ll Vote For Me

Valiant News: Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who is running for the Democrat Party’s nomination to oppose Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis later this year, recently explained that she speaks slowly to Hispanics, which will in turn make them vote for her.

Video of Fried making the claim first surfaced on Jorge Bonilla’s Twitter account. Bonilla, the Director of MRC Latino, edited the original clip of Fried’s statement to include photos of her posing with Hispanics taken from her campaign website.

“I talk slow,” said Fried when asked how she engages with Hispanic voters. She then began laughing. more here

25 Comments on Likely DeSantis Opponent Nikki Fried: ‘I Talk Slow’ To Hispanics So They’ll Vote For Me

  1. Dems just can’t help themselves with the overt racism it seems. Kinda like walking around with broccoli stuck in your teeth. Everyone but you can see it. Kind of pathetic, really.

  2. Gov DeSantis will of course win re-election this November in Florida but if he doesn’t win in a LANDSLIDE I will have completely given up hope on MANKIND…sigh*

    I mean Charlie Crist, Nikki Fried, The Grift Reaper & Andrew Gillum are the best they have?

  3. With propaganda representative John Kennedy of USA Nottoday covering, Fried would have no problem with the written word. Kennedy is out to get DeSantis. Love him up here in the panhandle.

  4. You know who spoke slow to Hispanics? Jackie Kennedy. However….she was at least speaking in Spanish.

    Slowly, because it was obvious she was reading cue cards, but that’s waaaaay different than talking down to someone.

    Honestly surprised no hispanic Floridian has smashed her car windows yet.

  5. No. I’m not old enough to have seen Jackie Kennedy on TV.

    In my 15 minute attempt to prove whether or not a conspiracy occurred regarding the JFK assassination,I saw Jackies Spanish campaign ads.

    Oh, and it was a conspiracy. I used two photos of Oswald gun. Then I played the K.I.M. game,or Keep In Remembrance game…..go look it up, or read Kim by Rudyard Kipling or go into intelligence where they’ll teach you this at some point.

    Different gun in photos. Look where the strap is attached in Oswalds pic. Base of the weapon. Look at strap in police photo. Strap attaches on side of gun.

    Done and done.


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